Chapter Twenty-Four

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Magnus' portal dropped them in a wide field with English Lavender flowers growing wildly, untamed. "His house is just across these fields," the warlock explained, pointing forward.

Jace started walking with a fast, steady pace and everyone else copied it. "Let's make this quick," he said. "Talk to Ragnor and portal him back to the Institute before anyone knows we're gone."

"Plan a bit of time in for Fell to be a drama queen," Andina added, keeping pace beside the warlock. Jace didn't reply, making her sigh and glance between him and the redhead in front of her. She understood how confusing everything was, for them especially, but ignoring each other wasn't going to solve any of their problems.

Luckily, Magnus agreed. "So, brother and sister, huh?" He prompted to fill in the silence as they walked.

"I don't want to talk about it," the blond insisted, eyes set forward.

Clary huffed, "So what, are we just gonna be work buddies now? Ignore the huge bomb that was just dropped on us?" She glanced over her shoulder as a way to let Andy know she was speaking of the three of them.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan," Jace replied.

Andy narrowed her eyes on him. "Jace," she scolded roughly. Her brother looked at her just long enough to roll his eyes, making her return the gesture and sigh. "Yeah, act like a child. That'll sort everything out," she said sarcastically.

"What do you want me to do, say that I was attracted to my sister?" He snapped at Clary.

"May I point out a fact?" Magnus inserted himself, not waiting for a reply. "Brothers and sisters are often attracted to each other. I once knew this one couple in Egypt–"

"Magnus, not helping," Clary cut him off.

The warlock looked like a sad puppy and sighed. "Well, maybe this will all make sense once we wake up Jocelyn. Since she is Jace's mother as well–"

"Don't say that again," Jace stopped abruptly and held up a threatening hand towards the warlock. "Maryse is my mother."

Andy was prepared to scold him until he finished his statement, making the corner of her lips turn up into a smile. He was right; the Lightwoods had raised them longer than any other set of parents they had been with.

"At best, Jocelyn is the woman who abandoned me."

"That's not true," Clary argued. "My mother would never abandon you guys, she thought you were dead."

"Really?" Andy mumbled, making both Clary and Jace look at her. She sighed and explained. "Clary, I'm old enough to remember a little bit of my life before my brother was born, and there was never a mother in the picture. Clearly she made a choice about which of her children she wanted to be there for." She left out the part where the memories of her early childhood held a huge gap that even the Silent Brothers couldn't fill in, assuming that it would not help her argument.

"You don't know that," Clary pleaded.

"That's right, Clary, we don't," Jace finished. "Do you?"

"I'm sorry I asked," Magnus spoke loudly to interrupt the three of them. "I came here to escape my relationship drama, not get a front row seat to yours."

Andy rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah right, you live for the drama," she scoffed as they walked beside each other.

Jace had turned around, looking at their surroundings. "What is that?" He mumbled.

Clary was unimpressed. "Nice try, Jace, but you're not getting out of this conversation that easily."

"I'm serious," he told her, quieting her down. 

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