Chapter Fourteen

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Andina was woken up to an alarm–one that jump started her heart and was actually successful at getting her out of bed. The effects from demon venom and injuries were long forgotten as she stood up quickly, the blaring beep beep beep that sounded in time with the strobing witchlights around her room making her tense. Someone's trying to break into the Institute.

She didn't think twice before grabbing her stele and one of her older seraph blades. It still worked just as well as any other, but it had been used in many training sessions that dulled the blade and wore down the hilt. 

Throwing open her door, she focused on running her stele over her runes to activate them. Her feet sped up until she was sprinting down the hall, adjusting the leather jacket that she had apparently fallen asleep in.

When she stepped outside, she realized it was still dark, the late summer night thick with humidity. She must not have slept for long. The front lawn of the Institute was covered in a thick fog that had settled over the evening as the ground cooled. Andy's eyes fell onto the glow of four other seraph blades, her own illuminating the path she took while she strode over and kept her eyes peeled for any other activity on the grounds.

"There was a breach?" She questioned after she had identified the figures of Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and Clary. The latter hung behind the trio like a frightened dog.

Jace was the first to respond, not even paying her a glance. "I don't know," he spoke lowly, creeping forward.

A stick cracked and they all looked to find the source. "Stop right there!" Jace ordered as a shadowy figure was approaching them.

Andina could tell that the figure was holding something heavy and suspiciously body-shaped. Her night vision rune had worn off from the previous day and she hadn't reaplied it, so she was straining to see. 

The figure didn't seem to be malicious as it strode forward until stepping into a strip of moonlight. Andy's jaw dropped when she realized it was Raphael holding the suspected body. What the hell was he doing on Clave property again?

Then her eyes fell to the body in his arms. A pale, nerdy mundane with blood on his lip. "Simon!" Clary shouted.


"People will be wondering what we found inside the perimeter." Jace's voice split the deafening silence that the Shadowhunters had surrounded themselves with. They were in the Sanctuary–the only place in the Institute most downworlders were allowed to enter–to ensure no one would accidentally walk in and see a dead mundane on the center of the table.

Andy wished her brother wasn't looking straight at her, but she was glad to know he took her recent words about the Clave to heart. He was thinking beyond his own world and planning ahead more than usual.

"Nothing," Alec's voice came from the corner of the room, where he'd stayed with his arms crossed since they all gathered in there. "I'll tell them we didn't find anything. Nobody'll come down here."

"We hope," Andina couldn't help but mutter. She received a glare from the two and felt like she was about to be attacked. "Let's go," she insisted, walking to the door and grabbing Alec's arm to drag him out with her.

The man let her lead him away from the imminent disaster and towards whichever Nephilim they found first to diffuse the situation.

"She is so gonna turn him," Andy muttered, aggravated. She was referring to Clary and the now dead mundane. Raphael had informed them that Simon was in transition before he left, telling Clary she had a choice to make. Stake her friend through the chest herself to ensure he's truly dead, or bury him alive and hope he claws his way out of the grave for a bag of blood.

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