Chapter Nine

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"I didn't think you'd be here."

Alec turned to the voice he heard coming onto the roof. The night was dark and the stars were hidden by clouds and smog, but the air up here was still brisk and made for clear headspace.

The man was perched on the cement ledge that jutted out from the wall and came up to his thigh, worn down slightly by the marks of jeans and shoes. Andy's to be specific. Everything about this place screamed her.

"You told me to come, didn't you?" He asked quietly, watching her walk over. He kept his eyes on her shoes, and when she perched beside him with her knees under her chin, he turned his head out to face the sky.

Her only response was a hum. They were surrounded by the summer silence that was crickets chirping and frogs singing for a few moments.

"He almost died," Andy breathed.

Alec's lips turned down at the brunette's words. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I know." That self-deprecating tone made her blood boil.

Andina dropped her legs to sit normally. "I didn't mean that," she said, leaning against him without realizing it. He realized, though. He seemed to be hyperaware of every reaction with every person who had so much spared him three words. The fight of not being sure who he was and how he felt about people.

"What did you mean, then?"

Andy gave him a pointed look, tugging on his arm to make him look at her. "My brother almost died. I'm not blaming you for it. I'm just... I'm just saying."

Her last words were soft and fragile.

"Parabatai," he muttered softly, as if that gave him the right to be more concerned.

"I told you this on the day of your ceremony, I will tell you again, I will fight you for him, Alec Lightwood," she threatened, but a smile broke through on her face at a memory of old, childish arguments.

Alec chuckled and swung an arm around Andina's neck. Her head rolled into his shoulder and he saw how exhausted the girl really was. Her hair was now completely curly and messy, the slight breeze picking it up around her face. Earlier, he noticed her blue eyes were full of fatigue. The red dress she had worn tonight had been replaced with a clean grey t-shirt and a pair of old boxer shorts she had stolen from one of the guys.

"Did we fuck everything up?" Alec muttered into her hair as he laid his head on top of hers. She was shorter, even when they were sitting down.

Andy chuckled. "No." Then she scrunched up her nose. "Well, Mom might think so, but no."

Alec's face paled at the mention of his mother. "Do we have to–"

"I told them to stay quiet about it," she said, referring to Izzy and Jace. "I'm not reporting anything to the Clave. Maryse would totally put me on a leash. And I'm not even joking; I looked at her amazon history the other week."

He laughed, pulling away. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, looking sideways at Andina. Forced to sit up on her own, the girl yawned and straightened. "So... was that flirting?" He asked, reflecting over their night.

Andy furrowed her brows in utter confusion for a moment until she thought of the day's events. A smirk landed on her lips and she rolled her eyes when she realized he was talking about the warlock. "Yes. But I think that might just be Magnus. He took the time to drag me into a portal with a necklace he wanted rather than snatching the necklace and running."

Alec shuffled slightly, but Andy tried to comfort him with a hand on his back. "Hey, Alec, don't do this," she muttered, trying to get him to meet her eyes. "I know Izzy keeps pushing you but... Alec you're almost twenty-two. You need to figure yourself out and stop letting your mom do it for you."

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