Chapter Five

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Rusting white bars were all around them. The building reeked of iron and Andina couldn't tell if it was due to the construction site or the mountains of blood that this hotel must contain.

At least that's what she'd imagined. She had never been inside a vampire den before. It was a rule Alec would never let her break, and one she wasn't daring enough to break on her own.

"Izzy!" Alec's voice echoed around the two Shadowhunters. They were hoping they had gotten the address right. Seelies were excellent at dodging the truth without lying and even Isabelle could occasionally fall victim to it.

"Over here," a voice called from their left. Andy looked over to see Izzy in the same red dress as before, hair slightly out of place. She slinked out of the shadows she was using as cover to meet them.

"I got your text," Alec told her. Andy thought that part was obvious being as they showed up. "Where are we, exactly?"

Isabelle strutted forward, matching her brother's long strides. "An old meat packer's service entrance."

Andina let out a noise of disgust. "That explains the overwhelming smell of blood."

"Might also be because of the vamps living next door," Isabelle added. She pointed forward. "If we come up through there we end up in the basement of the Hotel DuMort." Andy couldn't help but beam back at her, the younger girl's smile wide and proud. "Perfect right?"

"Okay," Alec's voice came out higher pitched and unsure, making Andy chuckle.

Isabelle shot them both an annoyed glance. "What? Just 'okay'? It was hard work interrogating Meliorn to get this much detail."

"Is that what the kids are calling it now," Andy mumbled in teasing.

Alec flicked his eyes in annoyance, sarcasm rolling off of him. "Great job Izzy. You have faerie dust on your dress," he said in his typical monotone that let the person he was talking to know he cared, but way more than he wanted to care.

Isabelle just took it as a compliment, slyly dusting off her dress. Her brother moved forward, navigating their way around the mess of pipes and chains.

"I hate being a distraction," he called out to no one in particular.

"I don't," Iz replied. Sensing the air thicken, Andy took a few strides until she was in front of Alec. She was right to do so, as right after Isabelle had decided to land a blow to her brother. "You know, you'd be a lot happier if you weren't so freaking repressed."

A glance back showed her that the man was still following right behind her, pretending he didn't hear his sister.

"Alec?" Dead air. "Hello~?"

A shoulder roughly shoved past Andina, making her glare at the receding form. Alec paid no mind.

Ten minutes later, no texts from Jace, and two passive aggressive Lightwood siblings later, Andy was about done with this entire mission.

"You're really not going to talk to me," Izzy huffed. At this point the oldest had decided to trail behind the two. The amount of times the siblings kept stopping to just glare at one another made her fear she was going to start fighting vamps and find her backup still catching up. 

Alec just kept glaring forward. "That's because you have no idea what you're talking about."

"But I do," Isabelle said before Alec was even done talking. "You're hiding from yourself, not me."

A ladder appeared in front of them, so Alec began climbing. "This is not the time nor the place for this Izzy."

"I don't know. It looks pretty smooth so far," she commented.

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