Chapter Two

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Andina was in her favorite leather top, a vest that had a large v-neck. Perfect for showing off cleavage that she was very proud of, and quite easy to zip off as well. Along with that, she had on black jeans, thick combat boots and had two seraph daggers stashed on each thigh. She was standing in the Institute's training room, trying to decide between using a seraph blade or stocking up on more daggers.

After a moment of hesitation, she grabbed her blade and she decided to join Jace on the opposite end of the room. He was looking over the mission details on one of the monitors, wearing all black with freshly drawn runes covering his arms.

She had just put her hand on his shoulder to grab his attention when the Lightwood siblings strode in, Izzy dressed in a very provocative white bando and skirt, a matching wig in hand. Her clothing shined like it was made of plastic. Andy couldn't imagine how it was comfortable, but Izzy managed to rock the look.

"We're ready, Jace," Alec said, hands clad with his leather archer gloves. It made him look like a true Shadowhunter, straight out of a picture book that one might give to younger Nephilim to learn about their kind.

Jace turned around, looking Izzy over. "Nice choice, Izzy. Demons dig blondes." The smirk on his lips was a clear sign that he was complimenting himself. Andy suppressed the urge to roll her blue eyes as she stepped away from her brother and walked over to the Lightwoods.

"Thank you," Izzy said, looking at Alec pointedly.

Alec rolled his eyes. "It's platinum." Andy raised an eyebrow in his direction, thinking that the wig was obviously just white.

Jace pulled up the map of where their target was last seen and looked over it quickly. Andy got the idea that he had examined it before. He started walking over to the weapons shelf, prompting the others to follow. "All right guys, for some reason our demon friends have been draining mundanes of their blood," he explained.

Alec furrowed his brow in confusion. "Why do they want blood? Isn't that more of vampire territory?"

"I don't know, Alec. Maybe lazy vampires?" Jace joked.

Andy cocked her head to the side, catching up with Jace. "Doesn't make sense. Vamps like the chase."

"What's so special about their blood?" Isabelle pondered.

Alec shot her idea down quickly. "What could be special about mundane blood?" His lip was curled up in distaste.

Izzy just looked blankly at her older brother. "You get me a sample and I'll tell you exactly what they're looking for."

"The only time you'd need mundane blood is for some seriously dark spells and that doesn't even need much," Andy wondered out loud, ignoring their antics.

Jace opened up the weapon's containment with a rune and pulled out three seraph blades, giving one to Alec and one to Izzy. Andy was playing with the blade she got for herself earlier, balancing the weight in her hands. "We'll have more answers after we figure out who they're working for," Jace pointed out.

"So you don't think they're acting on their own?" Isabelle questioned, sheathing her blade.

He shook his head, "no." He then started walking out of the room.

Izzy glanced at Andy. Andy sighed and elaborated, "They're probably not. There's no real reason why they should need the blood." Izzy nodded at the explanation as they followed the blond.

"They're not exactly smart enough to work on their own, they're shape shifters." Alec commented. 

"This is what our target looks like," Jace said, pointing to the picture of an old Chinese man on one of the many monitors mounted around the weapons room.

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