Chapter Seventeen

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"She calls Meliorn in and arrests him–"

A loud, heavy blow to one of the abused punching bags resonated in the room.

"–And then she has the nerve to say she's just following orders." Isabelle was pacing back and forth, ranting to her brother and pausing every so often between his heavy hits so he could hear her entire story.

Andy was leaning against the wall, letting her best friend vent and watching Alec with concern. He seemed angry about something, although Andy wasn't sure what was bothering him. She had thought to ask him about the marriage that Izzy claimed their parents were trying to arrange, but she hadn't had a chance to talk to him alone recently. 

He punched the bag hard in succession and Isabelle finally stepped in, looking at his bandaged arm. "You're going to hurt yourself."

He let out a huff and gave the bag one last punch before pulling back and instantly cradling his injury. "I'm fine, Izzy," he snapped at his sister. Andina couldn't help but think that he sounded much like he did when he was sixteen and mad at everything in the world, refusing help even from the person he loved the most.

To keep the topic of discussion off of himself, Alec adressed his sister's claims. "It was the Clave that gave the order, not Lydia."

"I'm not so sure about that," Isabelle said, and Andy furrowed her brow, no longer following Izzy's reasoning.

"What do you mean?" Andy asked. "Why would she have a reason to just arrest Meliorn?"

Their conversation was halted as heavy footsteps stomped up the stairs to the training area. They all glanced over and saw Jace approaching. He had dressed down since he had gotten back to the Institute, wearing a black tanktop and matching jeans.

"Hey," he greeted, eyes instantly narrowing on Alec's shoulder. "You alright?" 

"I'm fine," Alec softly replied. Andy noticed how Izzy's eyes narrowed dangerously on her brother, but the girl stayed silent.

Jace accepted his answer and got down to business, speaking quickly. "I just spoke to Robert and Maryse. They're being sent back to Idris."

"What the fuck?" Andy blurted, followed by Izzy's quieter, "what?"

"Yeah," Jace affirmed that they had heard him right.

Izzy scoffed. "Another order from Lydia?" Her eyes met Alec's, who looked away quickly.

Andy watched her brother's eyebrows furrow. "Who's Lydia?"

She smirked. "Oh, you haven't had the pleasure of meeting her yet? She's a joy." The sarcasm was evident by the sickeningly sweet tone that Andina never used.

Isabelle elaborated. "She's in charge of the Institute."

Jace's eyes widened. "She's what?"

"Temporarily," Alec added, trying to lighten everyone's discomfort.

"And now she's convinced the Clave that Mom and Dad aren't doing their jobs?" Iz was clearly upset. Andy was chewing on the inside of her cheek, wondering why nothing had been simple since she had come back from Idris.

"Maybe they aren't." Alec said. "The Institute was under their control when the forsaken attacked."

All three of them were giving him incredulous looks. "What are you talking about?" Jace asked.

"Mom and Dad were members of the Circle."

"Oh, now's a great time to drop that bomb, Alec," Andy muttered under her breath, crossing her arms when Jace and Izzy gave her a look of betrayal. Her comment made it obvious to both that she had known about this before. 

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