Chapter Twenty

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"Jace?" A tentative voice asked.


"Thank god it's you."

Andy was confused as she came to while halfway down a stairwell that she recognized from the Institute's basement. Her clothing was no longer heavy Shadowhunter gear, but now a light purple dress that was as impractical as it was uncomfortable. There were heels on her feet that were so strappy and unstable she felt like she was on stilts.

She could hear Jace and Clary, and she knew what she had to do to leave this dimension, but there was a second monologue running through her mind that was insisting she go back to the party upstairs, which made no sense to her main train of thought.

"Hello?" She asked as she descended the stairs. She caught a glimpse of the redhead in a formal purple dress and her brother was in a suit. They both looked up at her.

"Is that really–?"

"Yeah," Jace answered for her. "Andy, come on."

She followed the order and walked over to stand next to her brother, who was analyzing his surroundings as well. "Mind filling us in?" He said, gesturing towards the suit he was in.

Clary stuttered, but wasn't able to summarize the events of the night before Andy was shoved out of the way.

Andy quickly gathered her bearings, realizing the demon that they had chased in here had arrived. She cursed as she watched it throw Jace against a shelving unit, eyes looking around frantically for some type of weapon.

Clary beat her to it, grabbing a shovel and using the wooden stick to attack the green monster. Jace and Andy followed quickly behind, Jace grabbing a broom and breaking off the head, snapping it in half and throwing one end to his sister.

With a lack of runes or angelic powered weapons, the fight that ensued contained a lot of team work and shouts of effort. Clary had managed to keep it away from herself with her weapon, so Jace took the advantage of the creature's distraction and tried to take it down by the neck. He didn't have much luck, getting thrown into a pile of boxes.

Andy narrowed her eyes and went for its legs with determination, but she earned a kick to the gut and really hoped that bruised ribs wouldn't travel across dimensions whenever they were able to leave.

Andy looked up when she heard Jace huff in pain, and saw the demon had a hold on him with... his tail? She couldn't tell what had sprouted out of the creature with a barb, but she could tell it was poisonous by how quickly it effected her brother. It only strengthened she and Clary's resolve as they brought the creature down together afterwards.

Andy began to catch her breath, watching Clary dart over to her brother in worry, muttering his name over and over. She kept an eye on the demon, making sure it was truly dead as she tried to stop panting. Her body in this dimension had a lot less stamina.

"Tell him to breathe," she instructed Clary, watching her brother struggle with rough eyes. Almost dying twice in one night usually wasn't a good streak to have, but apparently her brother was just trying to take after her.

Clary was mumbling as she helped Jace take off his jacket and loosen his dress shirt, giving his lungs more room to expand and contract. They couldn't give him an iratze to heal, due to the lack of steles and runes in this reality. 

Andy picked up her stick from the ground, using her dress to wipe off the demon ichor. She wasn't sure if Meliorn had shut the portal in time to prevent more demons from entering, and who knows what else might be laying underneath the Institute in an alternate dimension.

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