Chapter Ten

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It was the first time in a long time that Andina had woken up next to Alec Lightwood's sleeping form. He had a habit of leaving if he woke up first, like he was embarrassed by being around her.

She took the chance to look at him; really look at him. Her eyes ran up his shirtless chest, admiring the perfection that was in his not-exactly-symmetrical muscles. Some of his more temporary runes from the past few days had faded to white and reddish marks on his skin. She looked down at his parabatai rune, nestled just on his left hip bone. His Angelic rune was on the same side, in the middle of his left arm.

Her grey sheets were thrown lazily over his legs, and she got the feeling that Alec didn't usually sleep with many blankets. Too comforting for a stubborn, cold soul, she supposed.

She couldn't help but touch him, just to make sure he was real. She found her fingers running circles on his chest as she admired him, his chest hair, his jaw, his cheekbones, and the one eyebrow that had the tiniest knick in the end because he and Jace were training too hard when they were younger and more inexperienced.

Alec took in a breath before lifting his head up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. He relaxed after a moment, realizing the strange bedroom was Andy's and it was her fingers that were moving along his chest.

"Alec!" A usually cheery voice called out, making both of them snap their heads over to the door in search of Isabelle. She was opening the door, but her eyes quickly widened. Then she smiled at her older brother before leaving. "Mom's home!" She told them, then she paused for a second, her finger dancing in the air and a bit of a fearful glint in her eyes as her voice fell, "And she's mad."

Andina and Alec's faces both held a shocked look that became even more intense by Izzy's exit, the girl whipping around so her hair flew out behind her and the door stayed ajar. They looked at each other in panic, hoping that the younger Lightwood didn't blab.

It didn't take long for them to sit up and try and collect themselves. "I, uh, I need to get changed," he muttered rapidly.

Andina glanced down at herself, sighing. If Isabelle had walked into the room dressed, which Andy did happen to notice, then it was definitely much later in the morning than she had hoped. Maryse would surely scold her if she was greeted her in pajamas.

She didn't pay much attention to Alec leaving as she struggled to button up a black blouse as quickly as she could, rolling the sleeves up to her elbows. She cursed when she realized she needed a bra, mostly because she wasn't planning on possibly running around after a ginger kitten today without one. She reversed the process, took off the shirt, and grabbed a black lace bra that was thrown on top of her laundry basket. She sniffed it and decided it was fine, adjusting it to herself.

The blouse went back on and was done up again, save three buttons at the top. She made sure its collar was fixed right before she took off her shorts and went searching for some type of pants.

Leggings seemed apt, mostly because it was the first pile of black that she picked up off of her floor. It was a pair that were open around her mid thigh to expose a few runes, but buckled in the front and back to stay connected. She yanked them on and noticed her stele sitting on her bedside table.

"That's where I put it?" She asked herself, eyebrows drawn together and a confused sneer on her lips. Since when did she put things in logical places that were easy to find later?

Shaking her head, she tucked the utensil in the pocket of her shirt and shoved her shoes into boots. Then she got the hell out of her room and booked it to where she thought Maryse might be, not knowing how long she took but definitely knowing she didn't want to take any longer.

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