Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After wandering the streets uselessly for half an hour, Alec's phone chimed with a message from Isabelle. Apparently she and Clary had managed to release Camille from the basement of the Hotel Dumort, and they were now at Magnus' loft signing a document that would falsely claim Simon had asked to be turned into a vampire by Camille so that the biter couldn't get in trouble with the Clave.

Andina was anxious about halting the search for her brother, but she agreed with Alec that they should go help find the Book of the White, especially if Izzy said she and Clary needed backup.

Upon reaching the loft, Izzy greeted them and led them inside. As soon as Andy and Alec looked up, they were assaulted by the scene of Magnus and Camille... kissing.

Magnus pulled away quickly and retracted his hands. "Well, this is.. awkward," he said upon seeing both Andy and Alec in the doorway. Andy had a very clear look of disgust on her face that she didn't even try to hide, her nose crinkled and eyebrows pinched.

Alec sighed, walking forward again. "Where's the book?" He got right to business.

For the first time since Andy had met the warlock, she heard him stutter. "I-it's, uh, it's complicated."

Andy raised her eyebrows, her voice sarcastic but her eyes lacking humor. "Clearly," she commented as she glanced between the two immortals in the room.

"I have it," Camille said with a smug grin. She seemed to enjoy getting under people's skin.

Magnus nodded. "And she has graciously agreed to show us where it is, at the price of her guaranteed freedom."

Isabelle scoffed, more aggravated by the situation than anyone else let on. "And her freedom requires a lip-lock?" She scrutinized.

Magnus was bewildered by her harshness and held up a finger to protest, but Alec was already speaking. "We don't negotiate with prisoners," he said as he stepped up to Camille, trying to intimidate her.

"Prisoner?" The vampire questioned. "I beg to disagree." As she was speaking, Magnus twirled his finger around his ear and pointed to the woman, indicating he thought she was crazy. Andy would have laughed under different circumstances. "You see, I'm your only chance at saving the world."

At the silence she received, she smiled. She then examined Andy and Alec very openly, making Andy shuffle her feet beside Isabelle. "You certainly have a type, don't you, Magnus?" Camille teased her old friend, her voice sultry. "They're cute. Too bad they won't last."

Izzy spoke, her voice threateningly low. "Say that again... you won't last."

Camille made a comment about Alec aging and the raven haired Shadowhunter only looked bored. "I don't have time for this. Where's Clary?"

Magnus sheepishly pointed over his shoulder, into the doorway that led to his bedroom. Alec nodded curtly and walked past him, Andy following.

Inside the room sat Clary and Simon, both on the edge of Magnus' bed. It appeared they had been talking, but they both looked up upon hearing footsteps.

"Did you find Hodge?" Clary asked as she stood up, glancing between the two.

Alec nodded. "Yeah... Valentine has the Cup," he remarked.

"What?" Clary's eyes were wide with fear. She turned and grabbed her bag off of the bed, swinging it over her shoulder. "We're too late... Where's Jace? Is he okay?"

Andy bit her lip before sighing. "He ran off. More specifically, cut off Hodge's hand, almost killed him, and then took off with him." She stared blankly at the wall, still trying to work out the details of the night's events in her own mind.

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