Chapter Twenty-One

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"We need help!" Clary shouted as she held open the door to the Jade Wolff. Valentine's portal had taken them to the docks and the werewolves' Chinese restaurant was the closest place they could go.

Andina passed the redhead, carrying in a barely conscious Jace into the building with her father supporting him on his other side.

"Clary, what happened?" Simon, who had apparently been hiding out in the werewolf den, spoke. Andy and Michael led Jace to one of the red booths in the building, setting him down in the vinyl seat.

Clary watched with a hand on the back of her neck, her worry for the blond reflecting in her eyes. "We, uh-we found Valentine, but he was already gone."

Andy stepped back after she no longer needed to physically support Jace, watching her father try and keep him sitting up. All her brother could do was moan in pain and Andy didn't know what to do with herself since she couldn't stop it. Her mind was still racing from the events of the previous night.

Luke Garroway finally got a good look at who had helped carried him in and questioned, "Michael Wayland?" His deep voice was laced with disbelief as he squinted his eyes at the man. 

Michael met Lukes eyes before turning back to Jace, using his stele to give him another iratze. The runes weren't working on Jace's wound, but they seemed to dull his pain for a time.

"Valentine may not have been there, but we found their father," Clary explained between panting breaths. They had all but run all the way here after the portal had taken them further away than expected.

Simon furrowed his brows. "I thought Valentine killed your father?" He aimed towards Andy, who had been staring uselessly at her brother until she was brought into the conversation. She shrugged lamely and looked towards her dad, not quite sure how he was alive either. The vivid memory of his death still haunted a good number of her dreams.

"He tried," was all Michael said on the matter. "Hello Lucian."

"This can't be," the man said, astounded. "I-I never thought I'd see you again."

"Well, I never thought I'd see anyone again," her dad offered.

Jace began wheezing and although Andy still couldn't do anything she also couldn't refrain from darting over to him. Luke was crouched down in front of him already, so Andy took up the seat that was across the table. "What happened?" The cop questioned.

"Demon venom, he can't fight it," Clary started.

"Yes he can," Andy snapped.

Clary examined the woman for a moment, her eyes dulled with distress and a frown etched onto her lips. Clary knew that however worried she was about Jace, his sister was feeling worse. The redhead continued explaining to Luke what was wrong with the blond. "His runes are too weak and he needs blood, but we can't go back to the Institute." She paused for a moment and looked at her best friend as an idea dawned on her. "Simon. Simon, please," she walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "There's got to be some type of blood at the Hotel Dumort, please."

Andy became overwhelmed when she was trying to tune into two different sides of the room, voices began talking on top of each other, and one conversation was hard enough to follow with all of the negative thoughts running through her head.

Luke ran past her and she couldn't take the activity, especially when she knew she couldn't do anything to help Jace. Anything other than ensure that they'd be okay taking him back to the Institute, because, guess what, she couldn't do that either.

With a frustrated sigh, she turned around and stormed out of the Chinese restaurant, cursing the bell that rang at her exit. She welcomed the breeze that swept off of the water and across the docks, the gravel crunching under her boots as she walked. She found a storage container to lean on, embracing the feeling of the cool metal against her back.

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