Chapter Fifteen

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Andina was sitting in front of one of the many monitors that were in the headquarters of the Institute, reading through any files on their digital database of demon summoning. Her attention on the words in front of her wavered when she overheard Max speaking, his voice lilted as he begged, "Alec, do you think you can you get my stele back?"

Andina glanced over her shoulder to see the two Lightwood boys walking down the steps from the training room. Alec rolled his eyes, adjusting his jacket. "They took it away because you nearly burned down the Mumbai Institute," he reminded the nine-year-old.

Alec's fast pace and Max running to catch up meant the two were already right behind her. Andy gave up on her research for the time being and spun around in her chair to watch the two interact. "How many times do I have to say it was an accident?" The youngest Lightwood's shoulders fell and he stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. Andy smirked deviously. Max knew exactly how to pull the heartstrings of everyone in the Institute to get what he wanted.

Alec led his brother over to the stone doorway that led to the main entrance of the building. The height difference was amusing, but even more amusing was watching Alec try and bend himself in awkward ways to lean down to the height of his youngest sibling. "Look, Max," he sighed. "Somebody very important is coming to visit. All right, you think you can stay out of trouble for just a couple of days? If you do, I promise I'll get your stele back."

It was a proposition rather than a request. Play the part of an angel and I'll give you your stele. Max didn't waste much time before nodding since he got exactly what he set out to achieve, but Alec's head whipped to the side at the sound of the Institute doors sliding open. Andina wasn't going to react, but when Alec stood up with his bow suddenly loaded in his hands, she jumped to her feet, if for nothing else than to get Max back.

She was beside Alec in seconds, shoving Max behind her. When she caught sight of the doorway, she saw a sickeningly familiar face. Valentine. And he managed to catch Alec's arrow.

Andina had a blade in her hands in seconds, approaching rapidly before Alec's arm flew in front of her chest and stopped her. She was confused until she saw through the glamor that was now being dropped. As it peeled away, the figure of a young blonde woman was on display.

"What the–"

"That reaction time was abysmal," the woman sighed. She stepped forward, eying Alec and Andina. Andy's lips were turned into a frown that was just one more reason to dislike her away from being a snarl. "Except for you."

The compliment was exactly that reason. It was decided. Andy did not like this Shadowhunter.

"Lydia Branwell. Envoy from the Clave."

Of fucking course she is.

This so called Lydia Branwell walked past both of them and her eyes landed on their mother. Andy felt Max hiding behind her still and she set a comforting hand on his shoulder before following the envoy. "Maryse," Lydia addressed their mother. "The Clave has ordered me to take temporary control of this Institute."

Andy shared a confused look with Alec–Robert hadn't mentioned anything about the envoy taking over.

"Wait a minute, nobody informed us," Maryse interrupted, providing the two young adults the answer to their silent question.

"The Clave doesn't need to," Lydia said as if she was personally in control. In a way, she was. "And besides, it's temporary. Nothing's been decided yet. But, I do need full clearance in order to assess how this Institute is running." She used her stele to code herself into the computer system and looked over at Alec and Andy, as if knowing they were hiding something. "Where is Clary Fairchild?"

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