Chapter Eleven

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Jace was not very happy when Isabelle walked into Magnus' loft with Andina in her arms and then left to go let Alec know what happened. And he was definitely not happy about being forced to leave to go track down some mystery powder to save Clary's friend while his sister was nearly dead and covered in her own blood.

Andina was his sister and Clary was... well, he wasn't quite sure but he felt like his priorities lied here. Still, the look Clary gave him urged him to continue, so he nodded in agreement.

"Alright," Magnus said, frowning at the injured bodies that lay on his couches. "And I'll need Alec."

"Why do you need Alec?" Jace asked, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows. He was getting more and more annoyed by this warlock as the seconds went by.

Magnus seemed to be searching for a reason, before stating, "I need his... virgin energies."

Simon chuckled. "That explains so much."

Jace cleared his throat to stop the mundie from digging himself a deeper hole. "Uh, yeah, right."

Then he left.


"No welcome home for the old man?"

Isabelle stopped in her tracks and ignored the look Alec gave her, obviously knowing that something was wrong by her behavior. She turned around and saw her father. "Daddy!" She called, hugging him.

Alec called for his little brother's attention, who was standing right next to their dad. He leaned down and pulled him in for a hug when he ran over. "What are you doing back so soon?" He asked.

Max looked down at his feet, trying to hide behind his shaggy brown hair. "I got in trouble in Mumbai," he mumbled

Alec raised an eyebrow and smirked. "What'd you do?"

"Nothing!" He insisted.

Robert chuckled, letting go of Isabelle. "Someone started a fire with his stele during rune studies," he informed them as he gave his youngest a stern look.

Isabelle giggled, walking over to greet her brother. "Max," she scolded lightly.

He puffed up his shoulders to seem smaller and innocent. "I was hungry and I was trying to draw the nourishment rune."

"Those two runes look nothing alike, Max." Alec pointed out.

"Well they do to me," he said stubbornly.

"Max," Robert called. Clearly the younger boy wasn't meant to be getting nearly as much love and attention as he was. "Go up to your room and open the Gray Book and look up the extinguish rune." When Max left, he gave his siblings a defensive motion, making them chuckle once more before Isabelle recalled why she came to speak with Alec. Alec stood and she went to speak but her father cut her off, "Where is Clary Fairchild? Your mother said she's missing."

"She's not missing, she's with Jace," Alec defended, eyes darting over to his sister when he noticed her shifting on her feet.

Robert shook his head. "We can't have that girl out of the Institute when the entire Shadow World is after her. It's a security risk, get them both back here now."

"About that," Isabelle had waited until their father was done and had walked away. Alec raised an eyebrow at her in questioning. "Andina was attacked." Her eyes flicked to the ground in the middle of the statement, something she often did when she was wary about something.


Iz went to speak but she bit her lip. Alec's phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. "Hello?"

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