Chapter Twelve

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The order was spoken as one would speak to an unruly child, a child who was known well for drawing on the walls with crayons during nap time instead of sleeping peacefully in their bed.

The low whine that came in response fit the profile as well. "Alec–"

Alec cut Andina off from drawing out his name until she managed to successfully annoyed him. "No. I have to go fill out the incident report," he said sharply. His black hair was curled and messy and he was still in the same clothing from the night before, a black t-shirt and training pants with his leather jacket hanging from his frame, folded with years of use. He looked like he wanted to fall into the bed with Andy and sleep for twelve hours, but his face said he knew that would lead to a scolding from his mother.

Alec had brought Andy back to the Institute after an eventful night with Magnus. The High Warlock had revealed Clary's past as he knew it and Luke Garroway filled in the rest once he had awoken. Alec had carried the still weakened and healing girl to her bedroom, because he knew if he had placed her in the infirmary she would struggle to get up as soon as she had the chance and leave, acting as though her wound no longer bothered her.

"Incident, schmincident. Stay here and entertain me if I need to be on bed rest, at least."  The brunette had fallen back onto her pillows as soon as Alec released his grip on her. Her face was still pale and her mind still recovering from the demon venom. It was a harsh reminder to Alec that she and Jace and Isabelle were all his responsibility. 

Alec shook his head at her comment, his mind too tired to cover up the guilt on his face. "Stay here," he ordered again, before turning around and leaving the girl's room. He didn't wait to hear the high pitched groan that Andy purposely bellowed out into the room in a sign of discontent.

His feet led him back down towards the entrance of the Institute. He grabbed a loose string that his overexerted mind decided deserved all of his attention and ripped it from his leather jacket, watching the black thread fall to the floor. He was walking blindly towards what Andina always sarcastically called "mission control", their main briefing room that sat nestled between the stone walls of the Institute's first floor, connected to one of the training rooms and the weapons room.

The bright overhead lights contrasting from the dimmed witchlights in the hallways didn't even alert Alec that he had arrived at his destination; it wasn't until Isabelle called out to him that he seemed to consciously realize where he was. "Sleep at Magnus' last night?"

The teasing in her voice was lost on his straining ears. "Didn't do much sleeping," he muttered in response as he walked past her. It was always welcoming to see his sister safe, even if he was too distracted to mentally note it.

Then Alec paused and looked back at her helplessly, seeing the look on Izzy's face when she deduced was he had said. She thought he had made a sex joke, which flustered him. He made a gesture with his arm that was wild and desperate. "I was helping treat Luke's wounds, that's all."

"Really?" Isabelle drew out, clearly skeptical. Her chocolate eyes followed her brother as he stepped up to one of the many monitors around them and ignored her. Then they widened, watching Alec turn around and shuffle his feet back and forth, unable to find a solid position. He threw his arms out to the side.

"What?" He asked exasperatedly, tired of the looks she was giving him.

Isabelle closed out whatever she was doing on her own monitor and approached him. Alec was nothing less than surprised when she sighed and detained the ticking bomb that was his willingness to deal with much this morning. "Nothing. I believe you."

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