Chapter Eighteen

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"We don't have a choice."

"Neither do we," Jace told Magnus after reiterating the previous events of the evening. Andina had led Jace and Isabelle to the warlock's apartment, having one very questionable  plan that required his help.

"So let me get this straight," the warlock asked as Jace finished pacing. "You need Alec's stele to get into the safe and you want me to steal it from him?"

"We'd prefer the term 'borrow'," Andy corrected, earning a skeptical look from the man.

"Without his knowledge," Izzy added.

Magnus eyed them all for a moment before shaking his head. "Nope. No. Not happening."

"Magnus," Jace stopped the man from leaving with a hand on his arm. "Ever since Alec found out our parents were in the Circle, he's been messed up. He can't see the bigger picture."

Isabelle straightened up. "If the Clave is willing to subject Meliorn to the Silent Brothers, if they're willing to go this far... what do you think will happen when they get the Cup? This. Effects. Everyone."

Magnus' expression softened and he seemed to realize that the trio wasn't just here to bother him with a silly errand.

"Help us get into the safe," Jace pressed. "Help us stop this."

Magnus met Andy's eyes and she gave him the most open look she could manage. He could clearly see that she and her friends were sincere.

"You two are going to owe me," he told Jace and Izzy. "I'm talking fourteenth century. Gold, rubies, and lots of diamonds." He took a moment to consider his terms before adding, "and Alec can never know."

"That's a given," Andy muttered.

Magnus gave her a hard look, making her straighten herself. "If you're going to do this, there is no going back."

Jace and Isabelle looked to her and she knew they were feeling uneasy and wanted her assurance that everything was going to be okay. Truth was, it probably wasn't, but she wasn't going to be the one to tell them that.

She gulped before meeting the warlock's eyes with a nod. "We know," she reaffirmed.


Jace had snuck into the Institute to get the Mortal Cup and had now met both Andy and Isabelle at a table in the back of the weapons room. "You might want to speed up the pace," Jace shot under his breath as he had just gotten back and was already restless to get started.

"You do not want to get on my bad side right now," Izzy nearly growled at their brother. She started shoving all of her belongings into her bag very aggressively and Jace caught her hand. Andy eyed them both cautiously as she runed up her short blades as discreetly as possible.

"Hey, you gonna be okay?" He questioned softly.

Isabelle shook off his hand and continued loading her bag. "The whole world is turning upside down. Simon is a vampire. And now Meliorn might die for something–"

"You didn't do anything," Jace cut her off with the truth. "They just put a bunch of unrelated facts together and came up with a big lie."

Izzy finished her task and threw the strap of her bag over her shoulder. "I wish that made me feel better," she mumbled.

The three turned around to leave but as soon as they faced the other direction, their mentor was in their way.

"Where do you think your going?" Hodge said, almost teasingly if this weren't such a stupid time for them to be trying to leave. "It's a dangerous time, no one is supposed to leave the premises without express orders."

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