Chapter Seven

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Andy woke up the next morning feeling like she hadn't slept at all. She couldn't remember what time it must have been when she fell asleep. As she thought back to the previous night, she glanced over to the left side of her bed and saw nothing but crumbled papers. She quickly went to sorting them into a pile before struggling to push them under her bed.

Just as she thought she had succeeded, she saw an envelope still tangled in her mess of bedsheets. She was curious, though. She didn't remember going through this one; it was yellowed with age and had a very distinguished Lightwood wax seal that was already broken on the edge of the envelope. There were fading gold details along the edge of the paper, almost as if it were a wedding announcement.

She pulled out the flimsier paper that was folded up inside and something fell onto her lap. It didn't take long for her to recognize the birds engraved into a circle of metal. 

The breath seemed to be ripped out of her lungs as she picked up the Herondale ring. She gulped and chucked it at the wall, wishing the Clave had never summoned her in the first place. That there hadn't been a greater demon that somehow found its way into Idris and was hiding out in a dilapidated, supposedly abandoned mansion.

No amount of Shadowhunting had prepared her for going in expecting a powerful demon fight, and finding documents that told her her entire existence so far was just... wrong. That she wasn't a Wayland, and the man who taught her everything she knew wasn't her father–not any more than the little kid that learned beside her was her little brother.

And it didn't help that the greater demon had then managed to catch her off guard in Idris. But she obviously wasn't going to let Alec know that.

Shaking a bit at the memory, she tried to distract herself with the paper in her hands. She unfolded it and noticed her assumptions were right, it was a wedding invitation. But there was also a letter handwritten underneath.


I swear by the Angel that if I find out you were the one in charge of the recent demonic epidemic of London, I will hit you. Hard. And don't you dare write back to me about Demon Pox, or so help me...

Other than that, dear brother, I am mostly writing to let you and Theresa know that Gabriel proposed! I know you don't like the Lightwoods, but he has many redeeming qualities that you have never witnessed. Due to the fact that you most definitely are too rude to him.

I send you my family ring, in hopes that your own fiancé will one day wear it. Do not fret; I am not forgetting where I come from. Gabriel had an engagement ring crafted of both our sigils. It is absolutely gorgeous.

I do hope you're not too busy hunting back home to attend the wedding. After all, I would much appreciate it if you would give me away, dear brother. I hope you and Tessa stay well.

With love,

Cecily Herondale Lightwood

Post Signature; Do you think my name seems stupid like that? Never mind, you'll say yes no matter what you truly believe. I'll ask Sophia what she thinks.

Three knocks came from the door after Andy finished the letter, rough and quick, causing her to jump. She shook her head to try and calm herself down before she stood, examining herself quickly. She was in a pair of sweats she stole from Alec and a sports bra. She threw on a black tanktop that was lying on her night stand and walked over towards the hallway entrance.

"What?" She asked when she opened her door.

The black giraffe himself was in the hallway, surprisingly shirtless. Well, not shirtless per se, but in the midst of putting on (surprise) a black t-shirt. Isabelle was actually the one who had knocked, Alec was just waiting for his sister. The girl was obviously about to start training, a long black cardigan covering a blue sports bra and black leggings.

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