(3) Adventure Ahead

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You were feeding the Rhosgobel rabbits their dinner when you heard voices in the house. You stood, wiping dry leaves and brush from your long green robes. It was almost night, and the windows of the house glowed dimly with firelight. Two shadows moved within, one the familiar lumpy shape of Radagast, the other taller, with a pointed hat and a long, straggly beard. You laughed gleefully and rushed inside.

"Gandalf!" You cried, flinging your arms around the grey wizard. A grin spread across your lips as you squeezed. "It's been so long! What brings you here?"

Gandalf blustered, patting your hands so you would release him. "A great many things, Y/N."

You rolled your eyes at his typically cryptic response. "We've missed your company," you said, looking to Radagast for agreement. Gandalf had often visited the hut in the forest, sometimes on wizard business, other times simply seeking the company of friends. He had always been kind to you, and you now considered him something like an uncle.

Gandalf blustered some more before gesturing for you to sit. You made yourself comfortable near the fire across from Gandalf and Radagast. A hedgehog wandered into your lap as Gandalf said, "I hear you have been to Mirkwood."

You winced. The subject was still a sore one, as it was no more than a day or two past. "Radagast sent me to request aid from the elves. Our forest is growing dark, and theirs is worse. King Thranduil refused."

Gandalf grumbled, "There seems to be much of that happening as of late. Well," he said louder, "Thranduil shall face his choices soon enough. I hear you met others at Mirkwood, as well?"

You stared at the gray wizard in surprise, while Radagast did the same to you. You had not spoken of Bilbo or the dwarves to anyone. How did Gandalf know about it?

Gandalf seemed to take your silence as affirmation, and leaned back in his chair with a knowing smirk. "Thorin Oakenshield owes you much."

You choked. "Thorin Oakenshield?" Gandalf merely lit his pipe, still smirking.

Radagast spluttered. "She has met the company?!"

Gandalf looked over his pipe at his fellow wizard and nodded, scraggly eyebrows raised.

"You cannot involve her, Gandalf!" He nearly shouted, sending the hedgehog running from your lap and birds fluttering from his hat. You had never heard him so indignant, so angry. "Would you risk exposing her to the dangers of that band of ruffians?"

"Hush!" Gandalf said sharply, seeming to expand until Radagast looked away, cheeks flushed. When the hut was eerily silent, Gandalf spoke gently, "She is already involved, and not by any work of my own. You must see that, cousin."

Radagast sighed, fidgeting with the end of the brown sleeve of his robe. You studied the two wizards, curiosity finally getting the best of you. "Thorin Oakenshield leads that company?" Gandalf nodded solemnly. You remembered the dark-haired dwarf that had faced Thranduil with mutiny in his eyes. "What is his purpose?"

"He wishes to take his title of King Under the Mountain and reclaim Erebor."

"But Smaug!" You cried. Even you, sequestered away in Greenwood, had heard of the red dragon's terrible deeds and insatiable lust for gold. "He will kill them!"

"Not if the orcs kill them first," Radagast muttered. Gandalf swatted the brown wizard's leg with his staff. You wondered if your guardian had encountered the company before you had and kept it a secret.

"They face many dangers," Gandalf intoned, "not the least of them being Thorin's own pride."

"I wonder that they have made it this far," you mused.

Gandalf snorted, smoke from his pipe puffing in clouds out of his nostrils. "Due to the ingenuity of a hobbit and Thorin's thick skull. And not a little of my own skill, I might add."

"Even so, they must be very brave," you said, admiration for the motley crew rising in your breast.

"One of their many virtues," Gandalf agreed. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, and said to you, "Though they may need more virtues than they possess on their own."

"Gandalf!" Radagast protested but the gray wizard continued, steely eyes focused on you.

"You would be invaluable to them as they endeavor to reclaim their home. You could join them."

The idea sent daydreams you had long ago shelved crashing forward, spinning their tales of adventure behind your eyes.

"No!" Radagast shouted. "She cannot!"

"She is old enough to choose her own way, cousin." Gandalf's voice was quiet, but he would not brook argument. "Let her do so."

You watched Radagast's expression fall. You could almost see him curl up within himself, already knowing your longing for adventure. It was why he had sent you to Thranduil, beyond the fact that he had much to keep him busy here. He knew you longed to explore foreign lands, to see things beyond Radagast's corner of the forest.

"Perhaps I will join them," you said quietly, "but I would like to know more of them before I decide."

Gandalf smiled gently and obliged you, regaling you with tales of the company. He told you of his first meeting with Thorin, and of the gathering of the dwarves. He recalled the party at Bilbo Baggins' home with laughter, and even Radagast relaxed. The hedgehogs came back to sit in your lap as Gandalf told of the orcs, and Radagast chimed in, revealing his part of the tale. You had wondered what his errand was all those months ago. Gandalf then recalled their days at Rivendell with Lord Elrond.

"Elrond deciphered the moon runes, and soon afterwards we parted ways. I have had business elsewhere, and they needed to hurry to Erebor," Gandalf concluded. "They likely draw near to the mountain even as we speak."

You and the wizards talked long into the night of the company and their quest, and by the time you closed your eyes for sleep, your mind was made up.

You would find the company and join them on their quest.

A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it. I really appreciate any comments, and if you liked this chapter please give it a vote! Next week's chapter is going to be great-- I'm excited to share it with you. Thanks for reading!

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