(14) The Search for the Arkenstone

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"That should do the trick!" Bilbo stood back and appraised you, clapping his hands in satisfaction.

"Are you sure? It does not feel at all suitable..." You smoothed the trousers in your legs and winced. You had never worn pants before.

"But of course!" Bilbo insisted. "They'll do properly while you help the dwarves with, er, looking for that stone. And they seem to fit well."

You surveyed your new attire, the ivory tunic bright in the dingy light of the store room, the pants that hugged your legs a dull blue, tucked nicely into your boots. You were relieved that the tunic fell past your hips; the pants were a little tight on your rear end. "I'll just have to get used to them," you said.

"Hurry up, lass," Bofur called through the door. "You're on first shift, Fili says."

"Here I come!" You called, stepping into the light of the kitchen.

"You look a proper company member now," Balin said, hands on his hips as he looked you over.

You smiled. "Thank you."

Before you returned to the gold-filled hall, you asked Ori if he would watch the Rhosgobels until your shift was over. He gladly agreed, saying he had knitting to do, since he left his best scarf in Laketown. You warned him not to bring wooden knitting needles in with the rabbits; they wouldn't last long in the presence of those curious teeth.

You entered the hall strewn with gold, following Balin, Bofur, Bombur, and Gloin. Fili met the group at the base of a pile of gold. His eyes followed you strangely as he gave orders, dividing the group in pairs to cover sections of the hall. You were with Balin on the North wall, sorting through the smallest of the monstrous heaps of treasure. Balin started conversation to pass the time. At first it was light, Balin wanted to get to know the newest member of the company, and you liked the old dwarf well enough to answer honestly. After a lull in conversation, you glanced up at the balcony where Thorin watched the search with hooded eyes.

"What will happen," you asked Balin, turning away from the king, "now that you have reclaimed Erebor? Will the other dwarves get to come home?"

Balin shook his head as he tossed aside a golden chalice. "Not yet. We have claimed it, but we will soon be called to defend it. There are many who covet this treasure." He gestured dismissively to the twinkling hall. "And Azog is not the least of them. No," he sighed, "our work is not done yet."

After a sufficiently awkward pause, Balin began singing, catching the eyes of the other dwarves.

We search the hall for Arkenstone

We sift through piles of gold,

And when we find the Arkenstone,

We'll be happy to go home, home!

Gloin took up the next verse, shouting more than singing:

When we find the Arkenstone,

We'll have a hearty drink!

For once we've polished Arkenstone,

We won't go home alone, 'lone!

Bofur contributed the next verse with a jaunty leer:

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