(19) Very Real Danger

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Your posture relaxed, now that the king was gone. Adrenaline still coursed through your veins, and you knew that any attempt at rest would be futile now. You decided to collect the Rhosgobels and put their harnesses on. They needed exercise, and you had to let them get used to the new sled before you needed it in the heat of battle.

Once you had the Rhosgobels harnessed, you retrieved your crossbow from the kitchen where Fili had left it and returned to the entryway where you'd put your new sled. While the rabbits inspected the sled, you struggled to find a place for the crossbow. A holster for the sled would be nice, but for now, you settled for stuffing it awkwardly into its quiver. It protruded oddly, and allowed less room for arrows, but it would have to do.

You were fixing the harnesses on the Rhosgobels when Fili spoke from behind you.

"They look ready for anything," he said. You turned to find him leaning against a column, arms crossed over his chest. You wondered how long he had been standing there.

"They had better be," you replied, wiping your pants to rid them of rabbit hair, "if all I've heard about war is true."

Fili approached you where you knelt, a tender look on his face. "May I braid your hair? It will keep it out of the way once the battle starts."

You had never braided your hair. You had never learned, for who was to teach you? Certainly not Radagast. And you had been too young when your parents were killed to have learned from them. Instead, you often left your hair down, or tied it in a knot at the base of your skull. A braid would be a luxury.

You nodded, and Fili reached down, his fingers combing your hair lightly before weaving the strands deftly into a neat braid. You closed your eyes, surprised at how much you enjoyed his hands in your hair. He secured it with a metal bead that swung reassuringly between your shoulder blades. You thanked him, reaching back to pull the end of the braid forward for inspection. The bead was square and sturdy, with similar markings as the beads that secured the braids of Fili's mustache. On each face of the bead was a pristine, square-cut gem: green jade on two sides and golden topaz on the others.

"Thank you, Fili," you breathed, stunned by the beauty of the bead and the intricacy of the braid.

"You are welcome." Fili hesitated, then spoke gently. "Y/N, I do not want you to fight when the battle comes. I do not think you are ready."

You stood slowly, fighting for courage. "I know I am not," you whispered, "but that does not mean I should not try."

Fili stepped forward swiftly, and without warning his hands cupped your face. Your eyes widened in surprise. He studied you with concern. "You cannot fight when the battle starts, Y/N. If you were hurt..." he trailed off, as if he could not bring himself to imagine what would happen, his thumbs tracing your cheekbones. "I could not allow it."

You stepped back, out of his touch, though it pained you to do so. "I am not your responsibility, Fili," you said gently.

He huffed. "No, but that does not mean you should walk into the coming war just because you feel an obligation--"

"I am a part of this company!" You interrupted. "It is an obligation! So far I have done little for you and your friends, and if I can help in any way, I will! That includes fighting in this war, however foolhardy it is!"

"Weeeeell," drawled a new voice from behind you. Fili glared over your shoulder, and you spun on your heel to find Bofur twisting his hat in his hand, shifting his weight as his dark eyes darted between you and Fili. "Sorry to interrupt, but it's late. We should all be getting our rest as we can."

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