(37) Let's Dance

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Unfortunately, your time of peace and quiet with Fili could not last forever, and you were forced to face the world the next morning.

The next day was one of joyous celebration. All of Erebor, and even the lands beyond it, soon learned of your engagement to Fili, and Tauriel's to Kili. Thorin insisted on throwing a ball to mark the occasion, and though he made it seem impromptu, you wondered just how long the King Under the Mountain and his family had been preparing for this day. Dis had forcefully embraced you, insisting that you call her Khagun whenever you were comfortable. But it very much seemed as if she expected you to be comfortable with the title rather immediately.

You managed to take a break from the gathering of the Durins to write a few missives. It was only right that Radagast know what had happened, and you wanted him here so that you could share these moments with the man who had practically raised you. And it seemed more than fitting to send a missive to Gandalf, whose involvement had brought about your acquaintance with Fili, and to Bilbo Baggins, who had been a good friend to you. You had sequestered yourself in Fili's den, but Roäc had insisted on joining you. He perched on your shoulder as you wrote, chattering away in your ear about how excited he was that "rabbit friend" and "Lionheart" were to be blissfully joined for ever, and ever and ever... Eventually you had to shush him, though you did enjoy his enthusiasm, and, truthfully, you shared it. But it was hard to write coherently with the raven's croaks ringing in your ears.

You had missed spending time with the old bird, and apparently so had he. He did not leave your shoulder even after you left the den with the missives in hand. He insisted that his brethren would carry the missives wherever they needed to go, as fast as their wings could take them. And, Roäc assured you, that was very fast. He called a few ravens with a shrill caw, and they took the letters in their beaks and flew away for their respective destinations.

When you returned to the room where Fili and his family were gathered, you smiled at the sight of Kili glued to Tauriel's side. He looked like a child next to her towering frame, but it was rather cute. Dis and Thorin were thick as thieves making sure everything was well-planned for the ball later that night, thoufh Thorin seemed less enthusiastic about it than his sister. Fili pulled you close to his side as you approached, tucking you in like a mother hen would with her chicks. You grinned at the action, blushing a little at the obvious affection. It was certainly no more affection that Kili and Tauriel were showing, and it was not inappropriate, but it made you a little self-conscious.

It didn't help when Fili leaned over, pressed a kiss to your cheek, and whispered against your skin, "I hope you shall save the first dance for me tonight."

You smiled and leaned into his warmth. "But of course, my prince."

You felt his smile against your cheek. "And the next?" He asked, his tone lowering.

You giggled. "Naturally."

"And the next, and the next..." He trailed off as he kissed your jaw, and you laughed aloud.

"At this rate, you'll have me dancing until my feet fall off."

He laughed, too. "It would be a shame for Erebor to have a princess without her feet." He sighed dramatically. "I suppose I may let you sit out a dance or two, but," he growled, "I would like to spend the whole night at your side."

Before you could make a witty reply past the smug pleasure at his possessiveness, FIli's mother called across the room, "If you don't let that girl go get her dress soon, she won't be there to dance with at all. The same thing goes for you two," she said, setting her sights on Kili and Tauriel next.

Both princes sighed simultaneously, their expressions and timing downright comical. "I suppose I can bear the separation," Fili said to you, "especially knowing what a wonder of a dress you'll be wearing when we're reunited."

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