(25) Breaking the News

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To your surprise, you did sleep well. The day had been  exhausting, and Fili's kisses had left you warm with contentment. You slept dreamlessly  until a brief knock on your door tore you from your rest.

"Who is it?" You grumbled, your voice still scratchy with sleep.

"It's me!" Someone said. It sounded like Ori, but you weren't sure. "Fili  sent me to collect the Rhosgobels so you could get ready for today!"

You smiled sleepily. "Just a moment," you said, sitting up and stretching  before wrapping your dressing robe around yourself. You opened the door.  It was Ori, grinning sheepishly at you. The rabbits crowded the open door, eager to escape and explore. You barked a short command, stopping them before they got loose. "I'll just harness them up. Where are you  taking them?"

Ori twisted the strap of the bag across his  chest as you put the rabbits in their harnesses. "Fili wanted it to be a surprise."

You rolled your eyes.  "All right. Just don't feed them too many carrots. They're getting fat enough as it is." Ori nodded eagerly, taking the lead lines you handed him.  "Now, if they start getting rowdy, two short whistles should sort them out. Don't let them loose."

"Got it." He beamed. "Thank you, Y/N! And good luck today!"

Right. You and Fili were telling Thorin today. Your smile slipped at the reminder. You  watched Ori go with the rabbits, surprised when Fili turned the corner carrying a brown paper package. He offered it to you, kissing your cheek and ushering you back into your room. "Change, then we'll go," he said. 

You opened the package to find an exquisite green dress with gold embroidery along the sleeves and neckline. It was a little wide in the shoulders, but otherwise it fit nicely. In any case, it was far cleaner than the pants and tunic you'd been wearing for the past week.

When you emerged from your room,  you gave a little spin to show Fili. "You look a true princess, Y/N,"  Fili said with a smile. "Are you ready?"

"Not really," you said, your smile slipping, "but let's get it over with."

Fili took your hand and grinned. "That's the spirit."

When you reached the throne room, you were surprised at how empty it felt.  No harried travelers from the Blue Mountain, no murmuring councilmen. Just King Thorin, sitting on his throne with Roäc on his shoulder and his brow low over his eyes.  They were clearer than before the battle, but he did not look to be in a good mood.

"Maybe we should wait for a better day," you whispered to Fili, your heart racing in fear.

Fili shook his head and squeezed your hand reassuringly. "It is all right. We must do it today."

He walked with boldness toward his uncle, and you decided that the least you could do was pretend to feel confident. After all, you had raced toward orcs during battle not so long ago. Thorin was only a dwarf, and he had no weapons near.

No, a voice whispered in your head, but he does have the power to stop you from seeing Fili ever again.

You shuddered and stopped next to Fili in front of Thorin's throne. Fili bowed his head respectfully before speaking. "Gamut manun, thanu men. I come to tell you that the brave Miss Y/N, charge of Radagast the Brown, has accepted my courtship."

Thorin straightened in his seat, his eyes narrowing. "Do not be a fool, Fili," he said lowly.

"I do not see how courting Y/N makes me a fool," Fili answered, his voice oddly cool.

"She is human," Thorin countered. "She will die ages before you do. She knows nothing of our customs."

"I know more than you might think," you spoke up, not pleased with your presence being so ignored. "And what I do not know, I am willing to learn."

An Even Fifteen (Fili x reader)Where stories live. Discover now