(12) Light in Dark Places

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You woke slowly, the way you always had after a good night's sleep. Only, you weren't in your bed. Nor were you even laying down. You peeled your cheek from your sleeve and tilted your head up inch by inch. You opened your eyes to find a huge, roaring fireplace in front of the table you leaned on. The Rhosgobels were scattered around the fire, piled on top of each other and dozing, some sleeping stretched out on their sides. But most unexpected was Fili, who sat with crossed legs in the middle of them, the firelight making his blond hair glow like a small sun. You couldn't see his face very well because of the shadow, but his chin was tilted down, watching the rabbits sleep. You heard Tilly's characteristic snore and smiled.

As you sat up, something slid off your shoulder, and you grabbed it before realizing what it was. Fili's cloak was wrapped around you, the fur lining tickling the back of your neck and the smell of horse sweat and unfamiliar spices filling your nose. You inhaled deeply as Fili's head turned to you, his eye catching your movement.

"Y/N," he said. You could hear the smile in his voice and it warmed you down to your toes. "How was your rest?"

You grinned sleepily. "Accidental, but good." Looking around the silent, empty kitchen, you asked, "Where are the others?"

"They didn't want to wake you, so they took their revelry elsewhere. They're all likely in bed by now."

"Oh. Is it so late?"

Fili shrugged. "Late enough. The others have been searching the hoard all day, and they were as tired as we were."

"And why aren't you asleep?"

"I thought I'd make sure the Rhosgobels didn't get lost."

You stood, stretching, and made your way over to the pile of giant rabbits around Fili. Bren and Briar, the ones nearest to the edge of the pile, stirred when you knelt on the ground next to them. Bren sat up and perked his ears at you, while Briar shoved her nose into your leg. You smiled and cupped her head in your hands, stroking between her eyes with your thumbs.

"They truly are remarkable creatures," Fili said softly. You looked up to find his crystal-blue eyes fixed on you, not on Briar. You could see him more clearly, now that you were closer, and the expression there made your breath stutter and stop. You had never seen anyone so beautiful, so utterly captivating.

Suddenly your lungs took life again, and you tore your gaze from the golden dwarf's beautiful face and looked down, trying to hide the blush that heated your cheeks. "They are good companions," you responded, "though not always convenient."

Fili chuckled. "No, I suppose not." He stroked the back of the rabbit nearest to him. "What's this one's name, again?"

You beamed at his interest in the Rhosgobels. "That's Iris. She's the calmest of the bunch."

Fili nodded, then looked distantly at the door that led from the kitchen to the rest of Erebor.

"Are you glad to be home?"

He hummed in consideration. "It is good to see the heritage of my people at last, and I better understand my role now, but I worry..." he trailed off.

"About what?"

He shrugged. "My uncle. He is not himself. There is a sickness that runs in my family-- Bilbo spoke of it when we arrived-- and affects us most when we're here. As his heir, I wonder if it will affect me as well." Sighing, he clasped his hands in his lap. "I'd rather not, if I can avoid it."

"Oh." Thorin's heir. Fili was to inherit the throne of Erebor after his uncle. He was a prince. And the sickness... You reached out and gently laid your hands on his, trying to ignore the sudden heating of your skin at the contact. "I am sorry, Fili. I am sure you will not become ill. And this place is so beautiful! It must have been wondrous before... Well, you know."

He explained to you that this was his first time under the mountain. You were surprised. Was he really so young? Of course, dwarves aged more slowly than humans, but he was comparatively not much older than you were. Fili then went on to tell you of his youth in the Blue Mountains, traveling with his kin when one area became too sparse to support them.

And the tales he told! You laughed aloud as he recalled some of the finest pranks he and his brother played. You watched a soft smile play beneath his braided mustache as he spoke of his mother who was still in the Blue Mountains. Your eyes grew wide at the impressive stories of his training with Thorin. It was as if a dam had burst within him, and his fondest memories came pouring out, and you gathered them up carefully and tucked them away, trying to hold on to every last detail.

This was a different Fili than you had encountered before. He was so light, so relaxed, so ready to smile! It must have taken quite a weight off of him to see his brother well again. You were intrigued by him before, but seeing him like this was different. You were drawn to him. At first it had been gradual and subtle as the sunflowers twisting their heads to follow the sunlight through the day. Sitting with him now, laughing with him at some mischief he and his brother had committed, it was as if you were a compass that could not change its needle from the northern direction, no matter which way you tilted it.

Valar help you.

"I'm sorry," Fili said, chuckling, "here I am boring you with tales of myself, and I have yet to ask about you!"

You tried not to grin self-consciously. "I don't mind at all!" You insisted. "I've never gotten to know someone like this. With Radagast and Gandalf, I knew them almost from the beginning. I've had a few acquaintances before, but no conversations like this." You shrugged. "Besides, my stories would not be nearly as interesting as yours."

"Perhaps they are just a different sort of interesting? I'd still love to hear them."

You could not ignore his earnest expression. Sighing, you started telling him of learning from Radagast, everything from spells you couldn't use to healing knowledge, which you could use. You told him of caring for the trees, watching the elves from a distance, training the Rhosgobels. Never did Fili take his eyes from your face as you spoke. It was intoxicating to have someone's focus so completely; you'd never felt anything like it.

The fire dimmed and you yawned as you seemed to run out of tales to tell the fair prince. "It must be so late," you mused.

"Aye. May be early, actually." Fili grinned. "Come," he said, unfolding his legs and standing with surprising grace. "We'll find you and these rabbits a room so you can get some sleep before the dawn comes." He offered you a hand, and you took it, your calloused fingers gripping his as you stood. He let go quickly, and you fisted that hand at your side to keep his warmth there just a moment longer.

Fili led you down a few winding halls lit by sconces on the walls until you found an empty bedroom with a mattress that wasn't too dusty. After he lit the fireplace with one of the torches, he bid you goodnight as you herded the rabbits inside.

"Wait, Fili," you said remembering the cloak that warmed your shoulders. "You should take your cloak back."

He shook his head, smiling. "Keep it," he said. "It suits you."

You slept deeply, but not without dreams of a laughing sun with eyes like blue jewels.

A/N: You finally get some Fili fluff! I know it's been slow going, but I'm trying to stay fairly true to the plot of the movies and really set up this romance for success... Or am I? Haha :) Thank you again for reading and leaving comments, and please give this chapter a vote if you enjoyed it!

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