(34) Royal Duties

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Much to your relief, Fili recruited Ori to help take care of the older Rhosgobels while you tended to the new ones. You had enough to do between helping Fili with the new room for the rabbits and your lessons with Balin. Not to mention spending time with Tauriel, managing Dis's constant pestering about grandchildren that would not exist for a long while yet, and the diplomatic dinners and meetings you were now required to attend,. Balin had faith in your ability to not offend anyone during , and Fili insisted you attend not only to gain experience, but to make them less boring for him. You could swear that he spent half the meetings you attended just staring at you. Sometimes he would ask you, once the meeting was over and you were in the privacy of the Rhosgobels' room, what the meeting had been about, or he would call one of the diplomats by the wrong name. You found it hard to tell sometimes whether he was in jest or in earnest, but you laughed and corrected him anyway.

Usually you were rewarded with a kiss. That much, you didn't mind.

The days seemed to fly by; it was as if you only caught a glimpse of one before it fled into the night and another day began. You grew more confident in your royal roles with each sunset, though it was a welcome reprieve to retire to the Rhosgobels' room and see to the rabbits. Ash was a wonderful mother, and her temperament had relaxed since the birth so that it was no trouble for you to be around the kits. Their hair grew in, softer than velvet, and their eyes opened. With their newfound vision, they grew braver, and began exploring the world outside their nest.

It was while watching the tiny rabbits explore the room so bravely that you finally succumbed to the exhaustion that you had been resisting for weeks. You must have fallen asleep sitting on the floor, but you woke laying down, your arms awkwardly crunched beneath you and your neck at an odd angle. It was Fili's warm hand at your cheek, brushing your hair out of your face, that woke you.  You grumbled wordlessly, trying to sit up. Fili chuckled and swooped you up with one arm under your knees and the other cradling you close.

"Rule number forty-three," Fili said, a bright smile peeking out from beneath his braided mustache, "princesses do not sleep on the floor."

You grumbled, "Didn't mean to. Was watching the babies."

"Ah," he said, laughter and understanding crammed into the one syllable. "Well, I'm sure they'll survive if you leave them to sleep in a bed for the night. Shall I show you to your room, my lady?"

You snorted in laughter at the gallant question, asked so glibly as Fili hefted you higher so he could open the door while still carrying you. "Your lady would much rather stay with you," you mumbled sleepily against his chest. His quiet laughter rumbled through you so nicely.

"My lady's wish is my command," he said into your hair as he carried you to his room.

You slept more deeply than you had in weeks, and waking in Fili's bed, in his room, with his smell all around you, was just as good as the last time. Better, even, because when you woke he was still with you this time. As the morning light streamed through the window, it caught Fili's tousled hair and made it glow like a small sun. His blue eyes were brighter in the yellow light, watching you as his fingers combed through your unbound hair. He must have been awake for a while, as he was fully dressed and laying on top of the covers rather than under them, with you.

You hummed and reached for him, pulling him down so you could plant a good-morning kiss on his lovely lips. "I could get used to this," you said, your voice still husky with sleep.

He hummed in agreement before standing. You harrumphed in protest, but he merely grinned at you. "You must get up and get dressed, ghivashel. Tauriel and my mother have expressed their desire to have you to themselves for the day."

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