(42) Unexpected Joys

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"Y/N... can... please.... wake up... amralime." Fili's voice was distant in the darkness, fading in and out.

But you could hear the distress in his voice. You struggled to return to yourself and open your eyes, wanting to know what had upset him so. You blinked blearily, the light of the council room brighter than usual, and you groaned. Fili was leaning over you, his hands on either side of your face, his brows furrowed.

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" His voice was quiet, as soothing as a lullaby.

Your tongue felt odd in your mouth as you tried to form a reply, so you just nodded your head. Fili's gusty sigh of relief might have been funny, if you had felt like laughing. "What happened?" You rubbed the back of your neck, where your muscles were stiff and oddly sore.

"You stood up to leave the council and fainted."

You glanced around, struggling to sit up. Fili assisted you, grasping your elbow with one hand and supporting your neck with the other. "Where is the council?"

"I had Dwalin escort them out," Thorin said from behind Fili. His arms were crossed over his chest, but he looked more concerned than put out.

You smiled, and almost laughed, at the thought of how the council members would have reacted to Dwalin's imposing, gruff manner. They probably had left the room quite quickly.

"We need to have Oin see to you," Fili said, studying you with an expression that said he fully intended to find out exactly what had made you keel over.

"All right," you sighed, leaning your forehead on Fili's shoulder.

"That would be advisable," Thorin intoned, "except for the fact that Oin is attending a serious injury in Dale and will not be back for a few more days."

You felt Fili stiffen. You tried to offer a compromise, hoping to quell his worries. "He can assess me when he gets back. I'm fine, really."

But your husband knew better. "You are not fine. You just fainted for no apparent reason. You need to be seen to."

You did not continue to protest, closing your eyes instead and letting FIli decide what to do with you. Your head ached, as if you'd hit it when you fainted.

"Tauriel healed Kili. And there is no equal to elvish medicine. Maybe she would be willing to check you," Fili said into your hair. You could feel Thorin prickling at the suggestion, at the implication that Tauriel was a sufficient substitute for dwarven healing arts.

You lifted your head to tell Fili that you wouldn't mind seeing Tauriel, and you glanced over at Thorin, giving him a small smile to try and soothe his ruffled feathers. He nodded regally in return. It wasn't a smile, but it would suffice.

Fili scooped you up off the ground, and you were happy to let him do the work. You were still feeling a little unsteady, and it was easier to lean your head on his shoulder and not have to fight Fili's protective side.

He took you to your room-- the room you shared. It was still a novelty, even after a few months. He lay you on your bed, smoothing your hair out of your face and tracing your courtship braid and the bead at the end.

"I'm sorry," you found yourself saying, filling the time before Tauriel arrived.

Fili scoffed. He actually scoffed. "For what? Feeling poorly? Don't be ridiculous."

You laughed lightly, reaching out to clasp Fili's hand.

Tauriel walked in, followed by Kili and Thorin. Of course you would have an audience for this. But they were family, after all, and they likely were here out of concern for your health.

"Thorin told me you fainted," the elf said, moving to your bedside next to Fili. You nodded. "May I?" She held her fair hands out over your body in question.

You nodded, but Fili cast her a look that said while he trusted her abilities, he still wanted her to be careful. The corners of Tauriel's mouth lifted, but she gave a graceful dip of her head before beginning.

The light started in her fingertips as she began chanting in elvish. It then spread out over your body, until your eyes were filled with it. How strange it was, but oddly familiar. Like the tickle at the back of your mind of a memory you never really had. You clung tight to Fili's hand, letting the strange wave of healing take away the aches of your sore muscles and the throbbing in your head. Tauriel's chanting slowed, then quieted. The glow dimmed, but did not fade entirely, especially over your stomach. Tauriel looked up at you with wide eyes, then back to Fili.

"There is..." she paused, searching for the right words. You propped yourself up on your elbows, feeling renewed. "There is something I did not expect. Y/N, do you have any elves in your parentage? An ancestor, perhaps?"

You sat up the rest of the way as Tauriel drew her hands back. "Not that I know of. Why?"

"Your spirit looks very much like an elf's, though it is distinctly different. It holds a bond in a way I've never seen in any spirit that did not belong to my kin," Tauriel said, clasping her hands in front of her. "Your spirit's light clings to Fili's, almost as if you are bonded."

"Can that be?" Kili asked, looking with confusion between you and your husband.

Fili shrugged, still holding your hand close. "It might be possible. She was healed by both Gandalf and elves at the Battle, and one of them did say that her light clung to mine."

You looked to Fili in surprise. "You didn't tell me that."

He smiled in apology. "You were unconscious for so long, and by the time I could say something I was hesitant to do so. I did not want to make you feel pressured by anything."

You rolled your eyes. "That was very gallant of you, my love, but you know very well I was head-over-heels for you by then."

He chuckled. "I know that now, yes."

"Your lives have been bound together. Whether it is the work of Eru or the work of the elven healing, your fates are tied."

"And what does that mean, exactly?" You asked.

"If it is anything like the bonds that I have seen in elves, you will likely know when the other is in danger, or feel their pain to some extent. But you might also die together. One of you cannot outlive the other."

You fought tears. "Does that mean Fili now has my mortal lifespan?"

"Oh, no!" Tauriel looked horrified. "No, of course not! The bond is a healing one by nature, so you are continuously healing each others' spirits, thereby lengthening your lives."

Fili laughed aloud and hugged you close. You tried to hide your tears of joy by tucking your face into his neck. Your worst fear since the day you realized you loved Fili had been completely obliterated.

"But," Fili said, turning to Tauriel with a serious look, still holding you close, "that was not the real reason we asked for your help, sister. Is my wife all right?"

"Oh, perfectly so," Tauriel said. Both you and Fili exhaled in relief.

"Then what caused the fainting?" You asked.

"You likely hadn't eaten enough. You are eating for two, after all."

You chuckled, thinking she meant the bond, but Fili's frozen posture indicated something else. "What do you mean?" Fili asked.

Tauriel's smile was positively mischievous. "You're pregnant."

A/N: Surprise! Some of you called this last twist, but I hope you enjoyed reading about it anyway. Thank you all for the votes and encouraging comments! If you would like to continue the trend and vote and/or comment for this chapter, that would be so wonderful! Another update is on its way for Thursday, so don't fret! I won't leave you guys hanging for too long.

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