(31) A Bit of Courage

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It was still a while until dinner, but Fili was still dirty from the forges and you wanted to put your best foot forward. So, the two of you parted ways to clean yourselves up. You made a short stop at the rabbits' room to check on them. You were surprised to find Ori there, sitting with Cricket on the floor and sketching. He had taken a particular fondness to that rabbit, and it made you glad to see someone else enjoying them. You gave him a short greeting and checked on Ash, who seemed to be doing well, before making your way back to your room.

You bathed quickly before surveying your very limited wardrobe. It seemed the nicest thing you owned was the emerald gown Fili had brought you the day you informed Thorin of your courtship. Holding it up in front of yourself, you inspected your reflection in the mirror until a timid knock on your door drew your attention. You made sure the dress covered most of you before sneaking to the door and cracking it open.

A dwarf maiden you'd never seen before bobbed a curtsy. "I'm Rori, my lady. Prince Fili sent me to help you with preparations for tonight?"

You surveyed her, taking in her perky brown eyes and the timid smile beneath her well-groomed beard, and sighed. "Frankly, I could use the help," you acquiesced, opening the door wider and stepping behind it so she could enter.

She giggled, the sound like the wind chimes Radagast had hung beneath your bedroom window as a child. "My lady, your hair is in need of some styling."

Lifting a hand absently to your locks, still damp and in complete disarray from your bath, you shrugged. "It usually is, but I've no skill with such things."

Rori clapped her hands together. "Then let us begin immediately!"

The dwarrowdam spent a solid hour on your hair: drying it, untangling it, and pinning it so that your courting braid was on full display. She helped you into your green gown for the evening and managed to procure shoes that were not boots and also matched the dress. They even fit fairly well, which was a happy surprise for your human-sized feet.

When the sharp rap of knuckles on your door met your ears, you were as ready as you were going to be, thanks to Rori's help. The dwarrowdam shuffled over to open the door at your nod. There stood Fili, beaming, his hands tucked into a finely tooled leather belt that cinched the finest tunic you had ever seen to his muscled torso.

He stepped through your doorway and looked you up and down. The mischievous light in his eyes pulled you to your feet so that you were ready when he swept you into his arms and twirled you around.

You laughed aloud as you spun, but put one hand on your hair to keep all of Rori's work from going to waste. "Lionheart, you are fierce tonight," you giggled before he stole a kiss from your lips. This, in turn, stole your breath, and you took in your dwarf in starry-eyed silence.

"You have the goofiest look on your face," Fili said lowly, his lips tugging into a smirk. "As if you've just discovered a hoard of gold and haven't told anyone yet."

"How did you guess?" You retorted, before laughing at the silly response and leaning your forehead on his. "At least you're wearing a matching expression."

Fili chuckled. "Such are the consequences of a love such as ours."

Before you could even process his words, let alone respond, Rori cleared her throat at the door and bobbed a curtsy. "If you'll not be needing anything else, my lady, I shall take my leave?"

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