(40) By Her Side

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Fili's POV

When I woke up that morning, I knew exactly what day it was. How could I not? It was the day I had been moving towards since I first met her.

My wedding day. No, our wedding day.

The thought brought a smile to my lips that I could not--and would not--smother. In a matter of hours, I would be forever joined to her, and she to me. I would not wake up another morning without her by my side, snoring softly into her pillow with her hair splayed out to catch the morning sun that filtered through my small window.

I stretched and sat upright. The light from the window was bright and clear; a beautiful day that was quite obviously trying to compete with my bride. I chuckled. The sun's valiant efforts were for naught. She would outshine the brightest jewels of Arda this day.

I could not wait to see her. I did not want to wait. Was she nervous? Did her stomach churn with the implications of the commitment we were about to make? I hoped her insecurities would not surface on this day intended for joy, but if I knew her, she would likely worry until she stood with me to take our vows. And she would resume worrying shortly after.

I grinned to myself, resolving to do my best to distract her from those worries. And with our wedding night approaching, I would have no shortage of opportunities. I would spend the rest of my life by her side, after all. I just had to use my time well.

I donned some of my more comfortable clothing and left my room, intent on the business items I needed to see to before our wedding. I found Ori first, giving him charge of the Rhosgobels for the next week. My lady and I would need time to ourselves to properly settle into married life, and I did not want her rushing off at all hours if she forgot her responsibilities.

Which I very well intended to make sure she forgot for a while.

We deserved a week of rest. A week of nothing but togetherness. I had seen too little of her in the past weeks, but it could not be helped, and I could spend the rest of her life making up for it.

Ah, that was the one thorn on the rose of this day. She would not live half as long as I; her human heritage would not allow it. I would have to pursue that issue after we were married. I wanted every possible moment I could have with her. Even if I stole a few from the hands of the Valar themselves.

Kili found me next. I had planned to meet him and Uncle for breakfast, and he walked with me back to the royal wing. I teased him about sneaking time with his bride before he ought, which he bore tolerably but could not refute.

Our mother was busy with wedding details, and she would spend the day mostly with our brides, so the family breakfast was males-only. It was nice, actually. Made me feel almost like we were traveling together again. Without the constant fear for our lives, of course.

Once we finished eating, Uncle Thorin offered Kili and I some advice for the wedding night. I appreciated the gesture, but the topic made both Kili and I highly uncomfortable. As soon as Uncle paused for breath at a reasonable stopping point, my brother and I fled as gracefully as we could. Besides, I had no great worries about the night's activities. I loved my bride, and I would take my time making sure things went right.

During the early afternoon, I took a wandering walk up to the greenhouse garden, plucking an orange blossom for myself, and one for my bride. I sent her flower with a scrawled note of encouragement to her chambers via messenger, telling her that I looked forward to seeing her soon, and that I loved her.

After that, I dressed with quiet efficiency. My new tunic, coat, and pants had been laid out for me, and my boots were polished to an almost unsightly sheen. I needed no assistance, and I would not have wanted any. I needed the quiet, the space, to clear my head and rehearse my vows. I did not want to misspeak on such an important day.

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