(11) The King is Sick

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The ornate halls of Erebor were stunning. The ceiling arched high above you, and the carvings that lined the halls were detailed beyond belief.

"Takes your breath away, doesn't it, lass?" Bofur addressed you, his eyes trained on the grandeur.

"It certainly does," you replied, your tone hushed in the vaulted space.

Fili and Kili wandered ahead of you, laughing in delight as they took it all in. Oin shouted, "Lads! They'll be this way." He took a left and you climbed up another set of stairs, lagging behind the dwarves as you brought the Rhosgobels to heel. Bofur shouted for the other dwarves. Bilbo suddenly appeared as you reached the top of the stairs, not even bothering with greetings as he launched into his frantic warning.

"WAIT! Stop, Stop! You need to leave. We all need to leave."

"We only just got here!" cried Bofur.

"I've tried talking to him, but he won't listen."

"What do you mean, laddie?" Oin lifted his listening trumpet to his ear.

"Thorin! Thorin, Thorin. He's been out there for days. He doesn't sleep, He barely eats. He's not been himself. It's this-- it's this place. I think a sickness lies on it."

Fili looked past Bilbo as Kili asked, "Sickness? What kind of sickness?"

Fili ran past the group and down another set of stairs. You and the others ran after him, as Bilbo frantically called his name. He stopped when he reached a platform that overlooked a vast room, carpeted with piles and piles of gold. You'd never seen anything like it, nor were you likely to ever again. Precious gems dotted hills and valleys of the stuff. There were golden candelabras, jewelry, coins, and more haphazardly stacked upon each other.

A dark-haired dwarf in a bold crown and fur-lined cloak wandered the piles-- he must be Thorin Oakenshield. As the others fell silent around you, you could hear him saying, almost to himself. "Gold. Gold beyond measure. Beyond sorrow and grief." The light from the torches reflected on his eyes strangely, making them an eerie blend of red and gold.

He looked up at the balcony and saw the other dwarves and Bilbo. You stood behind them, in the shadows, so perhaps he did not see you, for he did not question your presence. "Behold," he said, casting his arms wide, "the great treasure hoard of Thror." He tossed something to Fili, who reached up and caught it with ease. When the blond dwarf opened his hand, you could see a blood-red jewel the size of his palm. "Welcome, my sister's sons, to the kingdom of Erebor!"

You gulped. He was mad. Bilbo looked over his shoulder at you, lines of worry framing his eyes and mouth. You nodded, and moved away from the gold, Bilbo following you and tugging on the arms of the other dwarves. Thorin turned back to his gold, not even noticing as his audience faded back into the shadows of the halls.

Bilbo led you and the others through the winding pathways under the mountain to a large kitchen, where the rest of the company sat around a table, eating heartily and chattering away. One shouted Bofur's name as the dwarf entered, and soon the entire company was standing and clapping each other on the back, greeting the newcomers. You hung back near the door, still holding tight to the lines of the Rhosgobels, who eyed the dwarves nervously.

Bilbo approached you. "Y/N! I am quite surprised to see you again! How did you come to travel with Fili and the others?"

You explained to him Gandalf's visit, and that you had come to join the company. You mentioned the contract Gandalf had given to you to sign, as that had been important to Kili and Fili when you first met them. Bilbo smiled for the first time since you'd arrived. "I must say that is good news," he said. "And you, er," he stuttered as Bren poked his nose into Bilbo's face, "brought the rabbits, I see." You laughed and redirected Bren, settling him down with a few gentle scratches on his nose.

The dwarves were still chattering like a flock of ravens. Bilbo turned toward them and clapped his hands. "Ahem." Bilbo's quiet tone was not enough to catch the attention of the rowdy dwarves. "EXCUSE ME," he shouted, and twelve pairs of eyes turned to him, then to you at his side. You felt your face flush at the unexpected attention. "This is Y/N," Bilbo said, gesturing to you. "She has come to join the company."

The dwarves that had not been in Laketown with you erupted again, this time in shock and surprise. What? What do you mean? Another member? We don't need any more.

"She was at Mirkwood when you all were captured by the elves. She assisted me in helping you escape." Bilbo sighed, exasperated. "She is a friend."

"I remember her!" A scrawny dwarf with a full head of puffy red hair exclaimed. "She was with the elven soldiers, drinking away while we snuck through!"

A dwarf with a balding head and tattoos on his exposed scalp shouted, "Fraternizing with elven folk!" He snorted. "We've no use for the likes of her here. She may even be their spy!"

The dwarves erupted in bickering. You looked beseechingly to Bilbo, who was stuttering loudly over the noise of the dwarves. Oin, Bofur, Fili, and Kili shouted in your defense, seconding Bilbo's earlier statements, while the rest of the dwarves argued every word they spoke. They were so loud, their compact bodies producing shouts that echoed in the huge kitchen, that the Rhosgobels cowered at your feet. Sighing, your raised your fingers to your mouth and let out a piercing whistle. The Rhosgobels came to attention, and the dwarves froze, swiveling to face you one by one.

"I'm no spy. I came to join your company. I want to help," you said, looking each new dwarf in the eye. "Gandalf visited Radagast and I after I returned from Mirkwood, and sent me to you. I have a contract," you said, shuffling through the pouch at your belt until you procured it. "See?"

You held it out in your open hand, and the dwarf with tattoos on his scalp snatched it up. The dwarf inspected it thoroughly. "It's authentic," he growled, looking up at you in assessment.

A dwarf wearing a scarf and a knitted sweater spoke up timidly, "But we don't need a company anymore, do we? We've made it to Erebor. Smaug is gone."

"Aye," said another, "perhaps we should take this to Thorin..."

Bilbo snorted. "This place is less than habitable, and Thorin is-- well, what I mean is that it's not over yet. Can't you stubborn dwarves just take help when it's offered?" He looked at the dwarves with his hands on his hips, and they lowered their eyes.

"She looks a right fine lass," said a kindly dwarf with a thick white beard that was curled at the ends.

"She is," Fili spoke up at last, arms crossed over his chest. "And Bofur, Oin, Kili and I have already accepted her into the company. You all ought to welcome her as a friend."

You glanced at Kili, sure he already regretted his brother's decision to accept you in Laketown, before the dwarves approached you one by one and introduced themselves. Dori offered you food, Fili insisted you take a seat, and Ori placed a large platter of limp-looking lettuce in front of the Rhosgobels, who ate it contentedly at your feet. You told the dwarves of your own work in Mirkwood, why Radagast had sent you, and of your travels after you watched them escape. Fili took up the tale after you talked of reaching Laketown, and dramatically recounted every detail of the orcs, the elves, and Smaug. You were beginning to yawn when he spoke of reaching the shore safely. You crossed your arms on the table and rested your head on them. You would only close your eyes for a moment.

Just one moment.

A/N: Here's the next one! I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please give it a vote, or you can give me some feedback with a comment or two! Thank you so much for reading, and an extra special thank you to those who have already voted or added this story to their reading lists.

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