What Comes Next...?

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Hello, faithful readers and friends! It has been years since I finished this little story, and your response to it ever since has been so heartwarming and encouraging. I read every comment (even if I don't respond), and I am grateful for every vote you've so generously given me and An Even Fifteen!

I've been thinking recently (and writing), and I would like to know what kind of writing you'd like from me next! I have a few works in progress right now, so I'd like to try some of those out, but I'd also like to experiment a little with subject matter and genres. Or I can stick with the LOTR/Hobbit fanfiction, and I have a few thoughts in that direction.

Here's where you come in. Leave a comment on one of the options below-- it doesn't matter what the comment is; it can be an emoji, absolute gibberish, or a coherent thought about what you'd like to read! Each comment will count as a vote for that option! The option with the most votes by Monday, Aug. 31, 2020 will have a chapter posted by the following Friday, and will be something I update weekly! To make sure you get updated on what option wins, and to read what I write and post, follow my Wattpad page rachelanne017!

I've missed writing for you guys, and my life has settled down a little bit to allow me more writing time, so here I am, taking advantage of it! Here are the options!

1: A short sequel to An Even Fifteen, focusing on the children of Fili and Y/N, who appear in the Epilogue. They learn what their parents went through, and they encounter the beginnings of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and characters, while finding their own loves.

2: An original fiction story, my current WIP, that focuses on a young woman who can sing with orca whales and is stolen from her home. Includes references to Viking and Inuit-like cultures, fantasy elements, and a little romance, of course.

3: Short-story versions of fairytale retellings, with genre, plot, and character twists.

4: Modern retellings of Greek myths, which will be shorter reads with a look into the minds of the characters; an intimate, close telling of who the main players are.

5: This one's a little oddball, but a LOTR/Hobbit/Silmarillion (haven't yet decided) fanfiction, but adding dinosaurs. Would focus on a few characters and follow them, including a bit of romance, a bit of adventure, and a bit of speculation on what dinosaurs would do if they were wandering around Middle Earth.

If none of these appeal to you, that's okay! You can leave a comment on this line, and tell me what you might prefer, or if there's a Lord of the Rings character you are dyyyyying to see get a story a la An Even Fifteen.

Vote away! And, as always, thank you for your support. It means the world to me.


EDIT: The votes are in! I was pretty surprised by how interested those of you who voted were in option two, but here we are! Option Two is the winner! Make sure to follow my Wattpad page @rachelanne017 for updates, and I'll be posting the first chapter this Friday! I'm so excited to share it with you guys!

An Even Fifteen (Fili x reader)Where stories live. Discover now