A Note From The Author

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Hello, Wattpad readers! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support and engagement this book has gotten. Every comment, every vote, and every read has meant so much to me as a writer over these past few years. This book has over 80 thousand views-- that number just makes my heart stop. I always hoped people would enjoy this silly little story, but I never dreamed it would get this far. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I still write, but I've been working on an original fiction for the past few years, rather than focusing on fanfiction. Some of you might have seen it when I posted a few chapters here, looking for some readers and some feedback. That book, titled Daughter of Secrets, is now available for pre-order on Amazon! It is a novel about a strong, independent young woman and her adventures in a fantasy world full of incredible creatures and powerful kings.

You can buy it for Kindle for $3.99, or read it for free with Kindle Unlimited! A paperback version will be available on July 1, after I format everything and get it all squared away.

I have included the Prologue and Chapter 1 below for you to get a taste of this book, and if you would like to read more, you can find the book at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Daughter-Secrets-Gold-Silver-Book-ebook/dp/B07DBV7K1V/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1529357117&sr=8-1&keywords=daughter+of+secrets+anne+blackthorn&dpID=51KnbvKvZ%252BL&preST=_SY445_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

A million thanks



The power of knowing a secret is often forgotten in the relief of sharing it. That secret becomes an entirely new creature when given to someone else. The new holder of the secret may not keep it, but use it for any imaginable purpose. The secret can transform into a battle-hammer, hefted carelessly to leave destruction in its wake. It can be wielded like a dagger in the dark, slipping between its former keeper's ribs with silent, deadly accuracy. It can become a brick wall, fear acting as the mortar between each brick in order to keep the world safely sealed away.

My own secret had been a burden for too long, its weight both alarmingly new and wearily familiar. That secret had transformed me. Shaped me from the carefree girl into the wary, withdrawn, sharp young woman I was now. The woman who couldn't smile at the people in the streets. The woman who hid her face when the royal guards made their rounds. The woman who did not dare to speak her own name, for fear of alerting others to her secret.

For the past four years, I had lived in constant fear of someone recognizing my secret. Anything about me could give it away—it was so deeply ingrained in me, and so thinly veiled, that I was surprised no one had found me out. In the end, my fears were worthless. I was my own undoing.

Part I: Trinity Raffolk of Farmor

Chapter 1

The day had dawned bright and crisp, the sun glinting on the waves of the Galbine Sea in the distance. The city of Farmor was cheery, bustling with the gossip of the week which I caught in snatches as I walked past. My basket of dried herbs and healing salves pressed with familiarity against the crook of my elbow, my list of addresses tucked between the clinking jars. I tried to make my deliveries early in the day so that those who needed their cures did not wait any longer than they needed to. I went to the docks first, where the elderly Captain Haedras waited on the deck of his ship for me.

"Beautiful day for a sail, lass," he greeted me, looking at the sky expansively, his hand resting above his brow to shield the sun's light.

"It is," I agreed easily, handing over his chamomile and a vial of my mother's famous ache-curing salve. "Though you'll have to enjoy the sea for me. I'm staying on land today."

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