Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

       "You think he's awake?" a quiet voice whispered, making my eyes close tighter. There was no way I was getting up right now. I still had a few minutes before the alarm went off.

       Luckily, the voice, whoever it was, went away, allowing me to be back in peace and quiet.

       Well, for a few more seconds, that is. I shot awake as soon as I was drenched in freezing cold water. I wiped the water from my face, seeing three of my devil siblings standing near my bed, holding a large bucket.

       "You three are so dead!" I announced before hopping out of my bed. Alan, Nolan, and Orchid immediately ran out of my room and I followed them down the stairs. I didn't care if there was three of them. They were all dead to me.

       "Whoa, Ryder, no running in the house," Mom said when she saw me come down the stairs. "And why are you soaked?"

       "Ask the triplets!" I said. "They dumped water on me!"

       "What?" Nolan asked innocently. All three of them were sitting at the dining table. "We did no such thing!"

       "Yes, you did!" I said. 

       "We were sitting here the whole time," Orchid said.

       I groaned. "Mom, why couldn't you stop having children after me? I would have been fine being an only child."

       "Hey!" the triplets protested in unison.

       "Ryder, just get changed," Mom said. "It's the first day of school today and I'm pretty sure you can't show up in soaking wet pajamas."

       I scowled as I went up the stairs. Those little brats always got away with it. They may seem innocent, but they weren't. They were far from innocent.

       When I was about to go into my bedroom, I saw my six year old sister walking down the hall, carrying a can of shaving cream. "Tulip, what are you doing with that?" I asked.

       Tulip looked at me with a smile. "I put shaving cream in their shoes!"

       I chuckled and gave her a high-five. "This is why you're my favorite sister. But don't tell Orchid that."

       "I won't," she said before going to the washroom to return the shaving cream.

       I went to my bedroom to get changed, thankful that I was the oldest boy of three. Alan and Nolan had to share a room while I got my own. Suckers. I was the only one that had my own room, in fact. Orchid had to share with Tulip, much to Orchid's dismay. She didn't want to share a room with her six year old sister, especially when she was turning fourteen soon.

       When I was changed, I grabbed my school bag and went down the stairs. I dropped my bag on the floor and went to the kitchen, seeing Dad at the stove. "Is that bacon, I smell?" I asked, peering at the stove. "Hey, why don't we split the bacon fifty-fifty. Those brats don't have to know you made bacon."

       "Ryder, don't call your siblings brats," Dad said. "Even if they are."

       "So, about the bacon...."

       Dad chuckled. "Your mother already knows I'm making it, so if I don't give the triplets any, she'll know. Next time. Now go sit down. Breakfast is almost ready."

       I went to the dining table and sat down right as Tulip came skipping down the stairs. She sat down beside me, trying her best to look innocent. 

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