Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

       When I got home, I quietly opened the door and walked in, hoping nobody would hear me. However, Dad was standing right by the front door, his arms crossed. "Hey, Dad," I said. "Nice weather, right? So...sunny?"

       "Uh huh," Dad said. "I already took away your laptop and unplugged your TV. Don't expect them to be in your bedroom."

       "What if I give you this?" I asked, taking a bag of bacon jerky out of the duffel bag. "Happy birthday?"

       "Yes, because nothing says 'Happy Birthday' more than my eldest son returning from an unknown trip to Canada," Dad said, taking the bag of bacon jerky from my hand. "I'll gladly accept this, but you're still grounded. Two weeks to be exact."

       "Aww," I said. "But I meant no harm. Don't ground me."

       "What was that?" Dad asked. "You want to be grounded for three weeks?"

       "No, what I meant was...." I sighed. "Two weeks, got it. Well....Can't it be one week? I had to suffer in Quebec more than being grounded for two weeks would cause."

       "Well, what happened?" Dad asked.

       "Well....There was a guy Mae used to like before she moved to Miami," I said. "When I was there, she went to hang out with him and lied to me about it, then she said she might still have feelings with him. Everything was sorted out, though. They don't like each other anymore and....yeah, so, one week?"

       Dad sighed. "Fine. One week. And you also have to do the dishes every night for the next week."


       "That's the deal," Dad said. "Either grounded for two weeks, or for one and do the dishes every night."

       "Fine," I said. "One week."

       "Atta boy," Dad said, patting my head. "By the way, Stitch misses you. He kept going in your room and you weren't there."

       Almost as if he heard his name, I heard Stitch make his otter noise before coming to me. He then climbed onto me and hung onto my arm. I laughed and hugged Stitch. "I missed you, too," I said.

       "Ryder!" Tulip suddenly said before rushing over to me. She hugged my legs. "I missed you! Did you see Mae?"

       "Of course I saw Mae," I said. "She might even come down here during spring break."

       "Yay!" Tulip said.

       "Ryder!" my other siblings said all at once before rushing over. They all hugged me, surprisingly. 

       "I missed you!" Nolan said.

       "Did you bring gifts?!" Alan asked.

       "Can you take me to Quebec?!" Orchid asked.

       I shook them off of me, placing Stitch on the ground. "I'm really tired, guys. I had to drive a long distance, so I would appreciate it if you wouldn't smother me."

       "So....No gifts?" Alan asked.

       "Wow, so two of you ask for something, and the other says he missed me," I said. "No wonder Nolan is my favorite triplet."

       "Hey!" Alan and Orchid objected.

       I ignored them and looked over at Mom, who just walked over. I gave her a hug. "I'm so sorry if I worried you," I said. "I didn't mean to. I just had to fix things between me and Mae."

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