Chapter 44

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Chapter 44


       I sat down beside Jerome at our usual table in the school cafeteria. "Would it be bad to say I've already been trying to find someone who could help me hide a body?" I asked. "I can't stand April. I post one picture and she assumes Ryder and I aren't together."

       "Has she done it before?" Jerome asked. "I mean, I never heard of this April girl but judging by the way she just butted into the comments last night."

       I groaned. "Don't get me started."

       "Tell me," Jerome said.

       I told him everything about April, starting from how I thought she just had a crush on Ryder, but then turned out to be an obsessive person who wouldn't get over him and left the dance studio because of it.

       "All because she has a crush on him?" Jerome asked.

       "All because she has a crush on him," I confirmed.

       "Wow," Jerome said. "When I move to Miami, I might bury her somewhere."

       "Wait, what?" I asked.

       "Oh, right, I never told you," he said. "I've been thinking about going to Miami for college as well."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

       Jerome shrugged. "I don't know, I kind of want a fresh start but at the same time, I don't want to have a completely fresh start if that makes sense. In Miami, I'll know you, I'll get to know Ryder, and April for a bit before I bury her."

       "But you grew up here," I said.

       "So did you," Jerome pointed out.

       "Well, yeah, but....You really want to move to Miami?" I asked.

       Jerome nodded. "I already applied for college there and even if I don't make it, I'll still move down there. If I can find an apartment in time...."

       "Ooh, me, you, and Ryder should all get an apartment together near the college," I said.

       "Ooh, yes!" Jerome said, putting his arm around my shoulder. "You know, I'm glad we're friends again."

       "Me too," I said, giving him a smile.

       A girl who was on my old dance team, Denise, sat down on the other side of us with a smile. "Aww, you two finally decided to date!" she said.

       "Oh, we're not dating," I said. 

       "Aww, why not?" Denise asked. "Everyone thinks you'll make a good couple."

       "I have a boyfriend back in Miami," I said. "And he's amazing."

       "They're so cute," Jerome said. "He drove all the way here last week."

       Denise frowned. "Darn it. I was rooting for you two. So....No more feelings for each other? Not even a tiny bit? Mae, any chance you can break up with your boyfriend for Jerome?"

       "What? No!" I said. 

       "Fine, fine," Denise said. "But when you two fall in love with each other, I will be the first to say 'I told you so'." She walked off with a wink.

       I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "Why does everyone I meet try to interfere with my and Ryder's relationship?"

       "Like who?" Jerome asked.

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