Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

       Twenty-four hours. I drove for twenty-four hours straight with the only stop being a gas station when I went to pick up snacks and to have a washroom break. I didn't even stop at a motel for the night.

       About three hours after I left, around eleven, Dad called me. I had to answer him and put him on speaker. He was pissed because Nolan ended up slipping up and telling him I was going to see Mae. 

       Even when I told him that my and Mae's relationship was shaky, without saying why, he told me to turn back around.

       My finger then 'accidentally' hung up after I told that I was going thought a tunnel.

       So when I pulled into the driveway of Mae's house, I was dead-tired and in a crappy mood. It was just after nine o'clock at night and I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep. Maybe I should have rested at a motel, but I couldn't waste any time.

       I turned off the car, taking my cell phone and putting it in my pocket. I got out of my car, taking a deep breath before closing my car door and locking it.

       I walked up to the door and knocked on it. After a few moments, the door opened by some guy I had never seen before. "Qui es-tu?" he asked.

       I sighed. I was to tired to speak French. "Do you speak English?" I asked.

       "Yes," he said with a hint of a French accent. "So, who are you?"

       "I could ask you the same," I said. "Is Mae there?"


       "Can I talk to her?" I asked.


       "And why would that be?" I asked, feeling very tempted to snap at whoever this was.

       "Because I'm her boyfriend and I said no," he said.

       "Likely story," I said. Even though Mae was ignoring me, there was no way she would have another boyfriend in Lachine while I was in Miami.

       I mean, hopefully not.

       "What? You don't believe me?" he asked.

       "Definitely not," he said. "Can I just speak to Mae please?"

       "Are you from here?" he asked.


       "Then no."

       "Look," I said, trying my best not to snap at him. "I just drove for twenty-four hours straight all the way from Miami. I didn't get any sleep and I am really not in a good mood, so just let me talk to Mae. And if you refuse once again, I'll just give you a friendly tip that my dad's best friend was one of the best boxers in Miami, and his daughter did teach me a lot of moves and I will not hesitate to use them."

       "Okay, no need to be violent," he said. "Mae! Someone is at the door for you!"

       A few moments later, she was standing in front of me. My girlfriend that I haven't seen in four weeks was standing in front of me. "R-Ryder?" she asked. "What are you doing here?"

       "I think you know," I said.

       Mae looked at the guy. "Can you go back inside?" she asked. "Try working on the questions and I'll help you with them after." He did, glaring at me first. Mae stepped outside and closed the door. "Ryder, you can't just drive here."

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