Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

       "Ready to listen to my teachers gloat about me?" I asked Dad as we walked into the school. Today was parents-teacher conference and Dad was coming today. Normally, both of my parents came but Mom has been extremely tired due to the baby inside of her.

       I honestly didn't want to go. Not because of what my teachers were going to say, but because there was a possibility I would bump into Mae and if Dad found out her name, he wouldn't let it go.

       Dad snorted. "Yeah, I doubt your teachers are going to gloat about you."

       "Yeah, my teachers are going to be the ones gloating," Orchid said.

       "I doubt that," I said.

       We headed to the gymnasium where teachers had a table set up to talk to parents since it was easier than walking all around the school to go to their classes.

       When we walked into the gym, we started off going to the triplets' teachers. I was right. They did not gloat about my siblings at all. Most of them said that they were disruptive and barely focused. I expected that.

       "Can we get ice cream after this?" Nolan asked.

       "No," Dad said. "Not after what your teachers just said."

       "In our defense, school is really boring," Nolan said. "And you said we could go out for ice cream later on since Ryder took Tulip."

       "No, I said he'll take you another time," Dad said. "That can be in a week or even a year. Possibly a decade. Now stop complaining. We have to get through Ryder's teachers now."

       "Sweet, let's talk to my favorite teacher," I said before leading my dad to Tony's table.

       We sat down in the two chairs available. "Alright, lay it on me, Tony," Dad said. "Tell me how bad of a student Ryder is."

       "I'm not bad," I objected.

       "You're right, you're not bad," Tony said. "You are, however, very disruptive and annoying."

       Dad sighed. "What did he do?"

       "Let's just say that I'd rather teach you and my sister again," Tony said.

       "That bad, huh?" Dad asked, followed by a chuckled.

       "It's not that bad," I said.

       "He keeps eating during class even though it's not allowed," Tony said. "Not to mention he once drew a mustache on a frog we were dissecting, he sleeps during class, listens to music quite loudly, and is constantly talking to the girl sitting beside him. Seriously. They do not shut up."

       "Ryder...." Dad began.

       "What?" I asked. "At least I didn't pick up the frog and tried forcing my lab partner to kiss it."

       "Hey, that was one time," Dad said. "And that was only because she didn't want to dissect the frog, therefore I got us kicked out of class."

       "Does that mean I can get kicked out of class if I don't want to do something?"

       "You do that, and I'll take away your car," Dad said. 

       "You'll have to fight me for it."

       "I'll get Laughlin to fight for me," Dad said.

       "Dude, that's cheating," I said. "Bringing a professional fighter into this?"

       "Then don't get kicked out of class," Dad said before looking at Tony. "Is there anything else he needs to stop doing?"

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