Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

       "Ryder, we need you to babysit," Dad said as he put on his shoes. "So keep your bedroom door open and make sure Tulip gets something to eat. Alan, Nolan, and Orchid can fend for themselves, but make sure they don't get into the Nutella because they put way too much on their sandwich."

       "Got it," I said. "Can you bring me back cake?"

       "No," Dad said. "I'm still mad at what you did."

       "But I'm not grounded anymore," I pointed out. "And I deserve something for babysitting."

       "You're not getting any cake," Dad said.

       "That's rude."

       Dad rolled his eyes before he and Mom left the house. It was Mom's birthday, also known as Valentine's Day, and they always went out for dinner then.

       Tulip came skipping down the stairs and over to me. "Ryder, I'm hungry," she said.

       "What do you want to eat?" I asked.

       "Uh....Mac and Cheese!" she said.

       "Okay, let's go make some Mac and Cheese," I said, leading her to the kitchen.

       Tulip sat down at the table as I got the box of Mac and Cheese out of the cupboard. "Ryder, why is your laptop at the table?" she asked.

       "Because Mae and I are going to video chat soon," I said.

       Right as I said that, the request from Mae popped onto the screen and before I could even do anything, Tulip accepted it with a smile. "Hi, Mae!" she said.

       "Hi, Tulip," Mae said. "Where's Ryder?"

       "He's making me dinner," Tulip said. "Mac and Cheese. He's the best big brother ever!"

       "I bet he is," Mae said.

       I walked over to the table and crouched down beside Tulip so I could see Mae on the screen. "Hey, beautiful," I said.

       Mae smiled back. "Hey."

       "I hope you don't mind talking to Tulip while I make her dinner," I said. "I forgot that I have to babysit today."

       "Of course I don't mind," Mae said. "Okay, Tulip, tell me everything that has been going on with you."

       Tulip began talking excitingly to Mae while I went back to the stove to make the dinner. When it was finished, I put some in a bowl of Tulip and a bowl for me before setting hers on the table. I got her a fork as well and poured some juice for her. "There you go, Tulip," I said.

       "Thank you, Ryder," she said. "Bye, Mae! I'll talk to you soon!"

       "Bye, Tulip," Mae said before Tulip moved to the seat where her bowl was.

       I sat down in front of the computer with my bowl. "So, how is life without me?" I asked.

       "Not as fun," she said. "Jerome makes things somewhat interesting, but he's not as fun as you."

       "I heard that!" a voice said.

       "Good!" Mae called back.

       "Is that Jerome?" I asked and she nodded. "Tell him I said thank you for standing up for us and calling April out."

       Mae told Jerome what I said and he said something back, but all I heard was "Anything for" and "fine", to which Mae responded with, "Shut up." She then sighed and turned back to me. "So, how are you now that you are no longer grounded."

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