Chapter 49

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That moment when you realized you've never seen a fully pissed off Ryder. You're about to. :D

Chapter 49

       Something I hated the most was how unfair some of the teachers, and the principal, at the school was. If they see something, they might not listen to the full story. Instead, they would just believe what they saw and go with that.

       It had never happened to me before. I always went my way in school, not causing any problems for my fellow students and teachers, besides Tony of course, but he was my uncle so he deserved it.

       I've only gotten detention a few times for simple things; talking back to Tony, eating in his classroom, constantly showing PDA with Mae to piss off April. Basically things that would cause my beloved uncle to give me detention. In fact, he was the only teacher to give me detention.

       I would have taken detention of a suspension for something that wasn't even my fault.

       I never would have guessed I would have gotten a two day suspension, and be banned from going to prom. And all because the principal went with what she saw when I got involved.

       She didn't even hear my and Elizabeth's side of the story.

       Elizabeth, Julia, and I walked out of the school at lunch to go somewhere. While we were walking to my my car, Julia suddenly stopped in her tracks, looking at the school. "Is that a fight going on?" she asked. 

       I furrowed my eyebrows as Elizabeth and I followed her gaze. Near the side of the school that not too many people went to, it looked like two guys were beating up someone. Elizabeth rolled her shirt sleeves up to he elbows. "Time to beat some guys up," she said, about to move forward, but Julia held her back.

       "You can't get involved," Julia said. "We'll get a teacher."

       It was then a got a good look at the boy who was getting beat up. And as soon as I saw his face, I snapped. Elizabeth must have seen who it was as well because she got Julia to release her hold on her before Elizabeth and I went to the two guys.

       Nobody messed with one of my brothers and got away with it.

       I pulled one of the guys away from Nolan before punching him in the face. "Beat it," I said. "Now."

       Neither of them left, they tried looking threatening, even though I just punched one. "Do you want me to punch you?" Elizabeth asked. "You've heard about Laughlin Wilde, right? You know, my dad? You want to mess with me?"

       "You're a girl," the one I didn't punch said. "What's the worst you can do?"

       He shouldn't have asked that.

       Elizabeth ended up breaking his nose.

       "You want to ask that again?" Elizabeth asked. "Because that wasn't even anywhere close to the worst I can do. So beat it."

       As soon as they left, I knelt down beside Nolan, who was sitting on the ground, tears staining his eyes. His nose and ear were bleeding, and he had a cut on his lip. "What happened?" I asked. "Why were they hurting you?"

       Nolan wiped a tear away. "They found out."

       "They found out what?" I asked, right before I realized what he meant. "And they were beating you up because of it? Are you kidding me?"

       "I wish," he said quietly. "Can you take me home?"

       "Yeah, of...." I was cut off when the PA system suddenly went on.

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