Chapter 17

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Note: Whenever French is used in a chapter, they will be a translation at the end. I don't want to keep saying at the beginning of each chapter that translations will be at the end. cx

Chapter 17

       After a long time of thinking, I decided to do the poetry slam. After all, there wasn't any harm in doing so. It could be fun in the long run, as long as it didn't conflict with my solo. Then again, my solo was going to be before the poetry slam, so I was going to focus on my solo first.

       As soon as school ended, I remembered something that I had been dreading.

       Meeting Mae's mom.

       Don't get me wrong, I was sure Mae's mom was amazing, but Mae was my first girlfriend, so I was a bit nervous meeting her mom.

       I walked with Mae outside of the school and to my car. The triplets were there and, like always, there were arguing about who was sitting in the front. "Sorry, guys," I interrupted. "I'm going to Mae house, so she's sitting in the front."

       They all frowned. "No fair," Orchid said.

       "Don't worry, Orchid," I said. "Once you have a boyfriend who could drive, I'm sure he'll let you sit in the front."

       "Dad won't let me date until I'm at least twenty-five," Orchid said with a pout.

       "Who cares what he says?" I asked. "He started dating Mom when he was eighteen and they had me when he was twenty. I'm sure you can get away with it. Now go in the backseat."

       All three of the triplets complained as they climbed into the backseat. Once Mae and I were in and buckled up, I began driving to my house to drop my siblings off.

       "Hey, Mae," Nolan said. "Want to hear embarrassing stories about Ryder?"

       "Sorry to break it to you, but there are no embarrassing stories about me," I said.

       "I'd love to hear one if you have it," Mae said to Nolan.

       "Traitor," I said.

       "Okay, so when Ryder was eleven, he decided to wear a fairy dress and dance around the house with a wand and wings," Nolan said.

       I raised an eyebrow. "Really?" I asked. "And where did I get the so-called dress?"

       "Uh....From Mom?" Nolan guessed.

       "Yeah, nice try," I said glancing at Mae. "Don't listen to that liar."

       "I'm not lying," Nolan said. "It really did happen."

       "Yes, it did, but that wasn't me," I said. "It was dad. If you want to tell embarrassing stories about me, don't take someone else's story. And, like I said, there are no embarrassing stories about me."

       "We will find one," Orchid said.

       "Good luck with that," I said. "And how would you feel if you get a boyfriend or if Alan and Nolan get a girlfriend and I try to embarrass you in front of them."

       Nolan scowled and leaned back in his seat. "Not happening."

       "What, you don't think I will embarrass you in front of your future girlfriend?" I asked.

       "Whatever," Nolan muttered.

       I pulled into the driveway of my house. "Get out now." When the triplets got out, I pulled out of the driveway with a sigh. "You are so lucky you don't have younger siblings."

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