Chapter 35

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Please don't mind the random stuff that's happening at the end of the video. I have no idea what they're doing. cx I'm just posting this video because there's nothing Myles Erlick can't do. cx I THINK I PICKED THE PERFECT RYDER.

Chapter 35

       Mae's mom closed the trunk of the car. "Is that everything?" she asked.

       "Yeah," Mae said. "Can you give me and Ryder a few minutes?"

       "Take all the time you need," her mom said before getting into passenger seat of the car.

       Mae turned to face me and I immediately noticed the tears starting to form under her eyes. "Hey," I said softly, resting my hand on her cheek and wiping the tears away with my thumb. "Don't cry. We'll keep in touch."

       "I know," she said, holding onto my wrist. "But we won't see each other every day. I thought it wouldn't be hard but now that the day is actually here...."

       "Mae, it's like you've said plenty of times before," I said. "It won't be forever. You'll be back here for college. Just....think you're going on a vacation for five months. The time zones are the same. We shouldn't have any problem calling or texting each other. We'll make it work."

       "It won't be the same," Mae said. "We won't see each other, we can't hug or kiss. We can't dance together."

       "I know," I said. "We're just going to have to wait until you come back. But, you can come down here anytime to visit and I know my parents would let me drive to your house to visit. We'll make time to still see each other."

       "I'm still going to miss you so much," she said. 

       "I'm going to miss you too," I said before leaning down and pressing my lips on hers. We were going to miss a lot of special days together. Valentine's Day, our six-month anniversary, our birthdays, prom. But her coming down here or me going there for one day was going to be too much, especially if it was a school day.

       I pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms tightly around me. "Thank you for last night," she said in a quiet voice. Hearing that just made me never want to let her go, especially after last night.

       We pulled away from each other and Mae kissed my cheek. "Goodbye, Ryder."

       "Goodbye, Mae," I said. "Anytime you miss me, just text or call."

       "I will," she said. She gave me one final kiss before getting into the passenger seat of the car. When her mom pulled out of the driveway, Mae waved to me. I waved back until the car drove off and was no longer in my sighed. It was official. My girlfriend moved.

       I got into my own car and drove back to my house. When I walked in, Tulip hopped up from the table where my family was eating lunch and ran over to me. "Ryder!" she said. "I missed you! Where were you last night?"

       "I was with Mae," I said. "She....she left."

       "No!" Tulip said. "No, she can't leave! Maeder is life!"

       "Tulip, she's still my girlfriend," I said. "Maeder is still....what's the word?"

       "Canon?" Tulip asked, wiping tears from her eyes.

       "Yeah, Maeder is still canon," I said. "I'll even let you talk to her through video chat sometimes so you could still see her."

       "Okay," Tulip said before wrapping her arms around me. "I miss her already."

       "Me too," I said.

       Tulip went back to the table to eat her lunch and even though I didn't have lunch or breakfast, I wasn't hungry so I made my way upstairs to my bedroom. I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed, turning on Netflix.

       Someone knocked on the door and soon walked in. "Hey," Dad said. "'s official?"

       "Yeah," I said, pausing the show I was watching. "She is currently on her way to Canada. Would you ever be down to letting me go there by myself?"

       "Sure, why not?" Dad said. "It's going to be tough making the long distance relationship work, so if you ever want to go down there anytime, just tell me or your mom. But I suggest you tell me because your mom has been a bit moody once again."

       "It's your fault you got her pregnant," I said. "Again. For the fourth time."

       "It isn't my fault," Dad said. "Need I give you that talk once again?"

       "No thank you," I said. "It was awkward the first time. Oh, and speaking of, the love expert has to get to work soon. Two of the people in my dance studio have a sort of thing going on and if we want an amazing duet, I need to work my magic."

       Dad chuckled. "Good luck. We made breakfast for lunch and there's some bacon we saved for you."

       "No thanks," I said, turning back to the TV show.

       "Wait," Dad said. "Did Ryder Tony Prince just refuse bacon?"

       "I'm not hungry," I said. 

       "Yeah, but even when you're not hungry, you find room for bacon," Dad said. "You're really going to miss her, aren't you?"

       "Of course I am," I said. "I love her more than anything and she's going to be in another country. I'm just going to have to get use to it but after a few days, I should be fine. Probably."

       "Well, if it makes you feel better, we all know you and Mae can make a long distance relationship work, " Dad said. 

       "I really hope it works," I said. 

       Stitch suddenly came into the bedroom and scurried around a bit before trying to climb onto the bed. I reached over and picked him up. Like a dog, he moved into a circle before laying down. 

       "At least I have him to keep me company," I said, petting Stitch. Normally, otters could be quite aggressive, but we bonded and he loved me. He even bit Dad a few times.

       Dad was jealous that Stitch liked me better.

       "I swear, Stitch will like me eventually," Dad said before leaving the bedroom.

       My cell phone suddenly rang, so I pulled it out of my pocked and answered it. "Hello?"

       "Hey," Mae said softly. "Um....What are you up to?"

       "Nothing much, just watching Netflix with Stitch laying on my bed," I said. "Is everything okay? I mean, you left not too long ago and you're calling me. Not that I mind."

       "I....I miss you already," Mae said. "Sorry."

       "Don't be," I said. "I miss you already too. This is going to be hard, isn't it?"

       "Yeah," Mae said. "It is."

       "We're going to make it work," I said. "You know why? Because I love you."

       "I love you too," Mae said. "And you're right. We'll make it work, no matter how hard it is."


So....Mae moved. At first, she actually wasn't going to move, but I don't know, something made me change my mind. I kind of want to try a story with a long-distance relationship. I honestly think long-distance relationships are so cute. cx My brother was in one and once he visited his girlfriend at school and he said her reaction was the cutest thing ever.


I have a cute scene planned out, though. :)


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