Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

       "Ryder and Mae," Lilith suddenly said, causing the two of us to stop our talking and looking at the studio head. "As much as I appreciate you two getting along, I've been trying to talk."

       "Sorry," I said for the both of us.

       Lilith rolled her eyes before she began talking. "So, today's rehearsal is almost over and I thought it would be nice if the dance class came in and watched both the duet and the team routine. That way, we can get used to performing, even though they're little kids and probably won't judge you. We'll start with the duet, so Ryder and Mae, get in positions."

       I took Mae's hand in mine, helping her stand from the bench, even though she was well capable of doing it on her own. She just rolled her eyes as she went to her starting position and I went to mine.

       When the dance class came in, Tulip waved at me very energetically, a huge smile on her face. I waved back before she and the rest of the class, as well as our team, sat at the front of the room. Lilith told the class that we were going to be showing them a duet for our upcoming competition.

       She then went to the stereo and began playing the song. It had a short intro before we started the duet. I still think we had a huge chance at placing at the competition, not that I was bragging or anything. Whoever saw the duet agreed and even told us that we had great chemistry.

       The chemistry was even stronger today since it was our first time doing the duet as boyfriend and girlfriend. The last two weeks were awkward because I was being an idiot and ignoring her, but now, the duet was as strong as ever.

       The class, especially Tulip, loved the lifts Mae and I did near the end of the dance. I heard Tulip cheering a lot. At least I knew my little sister loved seeing me dance.

       The dance ended with me and Mae hugging to show how, in our dance, we would always be together. When we finished, everyone applauded.

       "I think that was the best you two have ever performed it," Lilith said with a smile. "If you keep it up, you'll definitely place. I'll let you two rest for a few minutes before we do the team dance."

       Tulip walked up to me and handed me my water bottle. "Here," she said with a smile.

       "Thanks," I said breathlessly before drinking almost half of the water. As much as I loved dance, it was exhausting.

       "Hi, Mae!" Tulip said, making her smile even bigger.

       "Hi, Tulip," Mae said, smiling back.

       "You're a really good dancer," Tulip said. "I hope I can dance like you when I'm older."

       "Thank you," Mae said, keeping her smile. "All you have to do is keep dancing."

       "You're really nice," Tulip said. "I like you. And so does Ryder. But he won't admit it."

       Oh, my sister was so lucky I already told Mae that I liked her. I could never trust my family, not even my favorite sister.

       "I sure hope so," Mae said. "Otherwise I'd have a boyfriend who doesn't like me."

       Great....I was hoping my family wouldn't find out. And since Tulip was the first to find out, everyone else was definitely going to find out.

       "Yay! Maeder went canon!" she cheered, laughing before she wrapped her arms around my legs. I sighed. This was not going to end well.

       "Maeder?" Mae asked.

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