Chapter 46

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I liked the comment war I wrote, so I might write another one this chapter. cx

Chapter 46

       It was the first official day of spring break but unfortunately, Mae was only able to come down during the second week. All the flights beforehand were booked, so she was flying out here on the upcoming Sunday instead.

       At least we got to spend a whole week together.

       But the week were got to spend together was the week after our six-month anniversary, which sucked.

       I woke up way too early due to Tulip literally running in the hallway, screaming for no apparent reason. Then Orchid was yelling at her to shut up, which only made Tulip yell back. Then Mom had to yell at both of them to shut up and I was officially wide awake.

       I looked at the clock on my nightstand and sighed. Really, Tulip? Why were you screaming at nine in the morning when there was no school? I wanted to enjoy my spring break by sleeping in.

       My stomach began growling, so I pulled myself out of bed and made my way very tiredly downstairs. I could barely even keep my eyes open, but food came before everything else.

       The doorbell suddenly rang throughout the house. "Ryder, can you get that please?" Mom asked from her spot on the couch.

       "But I'm hungry," I whined. "Can't you get it?"

       "Ryder, please?" Mom asked. "It's hard for me to keep getting up and sitting down."

       I sighed and made my way to the front door. I unlocked it and opened it and as soon as I did, I was feeling wide awake.

       "Surprise!" Mae said with a smile.

       I pulled her into a hug, not wanting to let her go. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I thought you were flying out on Sunday."

       "I lied," she said. "I wanted to surprise you. Now let go before you squeeze the life out of me."

       I released her. "Sorry," I said, giving her a smile. I then cupped her face in my hands and pressed her lips on mine. Man, it felt good to kiss her again. I hadn't kissed her for over a month since I was staying with her but even then, we barely kissed because we made up the day before I had to leave.

       When I pulled away, Mae walked in the house, dragging her suitcase along with her. I closed the door behind her and not even a second later, Tulip came running down the stairs. She spotted Mae and immediately screamed. "Mae!" she said happily before running over. "I thought you were coming next week!"

       "I wanted to surprise Ryder," Mae said. "And you."

       "I was really surprised!" she said. "You did a good job! Want to see my new doll?"

       "Later," Mae said. "I had to wake up really early to catch the flight, so I just want to rest now."

       I led Mae upstairs to my bedroom and she immediately flopped onto my bed. "Come cuddle with me," she said.

       "But I'm hungry."

       "You won't have a chance later," she said. "I'll be back in Canada."

       "Not for two weeks."

       "I hate your logic at times," she said.

       I smiled at her. "Thank you, dear Mae. I love you and all, but I need food. We'll cuddle later."

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