Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

       I had to admit, even though I was a dancer, I hated school dances. I didn't mind going to the dance itself, but I hated how big of a deal some people made it. When I walked into the school the Monday after the competition, I saw flyers for the dance everywhere.

       I sighed and went to my locker. When I was going through it, Mae walked up to me. "Hey," she said.

       "Hi," I said, giving her a smile. 

       "Did you see the flyers for the homecoming dance?" Mae asked.

       "Unfortunately, yes," I said.

      Mae furrowed her eyebrows. "You're not excited? But you're a dancer. I thought you would like dances."

       "Yes, but there's really no point for it to be such a big deal," I said. "We're here another year, big deal."

       "It can't be that bad," she said.

       I sighed. "It's not. I'm just not that big about it." The bell rang, so I grabbed my biology notebook out of my locker. "I never go to the dance anyway."

       "Oh," she said, sounding a bit disappointed.

       "But if you really want to go, I'd be willing to go with you," I said.

       Mae smiled. "Really? Because I do want to go, but I don't want to go without a date. Unless you don't mind me finding a date."

       "Ha ha," I said sarcastically. "And no, you're not getting another date. I'll go with you."

       Mae wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you, Ryder. You're the best boyfriend ever."

       "I am the best, aren't I?" I asked just to tease her.

       Mae just rolled her eyes before kissing my cheek and intertwining her hand in mine before we walked to the biology classroom.

       "Sup, Tony," I said as we walked into the classroom. "Quick question...."

       "No, you can't eat in here," Tony said, keeping his eyes on his computer screen as he typed something.

       "What? I wasn't going to ask that," I said.

       Tony looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Then what were you going to ask me?"

       I opened my mouth, but shut it before I led Mae to our desks. So I was going to ask that. It wasn't my fault that I was hungry.

       Not long after class started, Kimberly and Raphael knocked on the door. Tony let them in and they talked quietly to each other before Tony nodded. "Class, we have an announcement from the heads of the homecoming committee."

       "So, as you all know, the homecoming dance is this Friday," she said. "Last week, we got a few nominations for your homecoming king and queen and after checking to see who has the most nominations, we narrowed it down to four each. For homecoming queen we got myself of course," I rolled my eyes, "Elizabeth Wilde, Alexis Radcliffe, and Isabella Alfaro."

       I felt bad for Elizabeth. If there was someone who hated homecoming more than me, it was her, and now she was nominated for homecoming queen. She was going to hate it and probably pull a prank to get her name taken off.

       Raphael then took over. "The nominations for homecoming king are me," another eye roll from me, "Tyrel Smithson, Joseph Lincoln, and Ryder Prince."

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