Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

       Our dance studio has been working extremely hard to perfect our dance. April actually believed me when I told her we were changing the dance, so I had a feeling Nonpareil wouldn't be trying as hard since they would think we were changing our dance.

       Were they in for a huge surprise.

       Mae and I even modified the duet we had near the end a bit to make it even better. I really think we were going to win this year.

       When rehearsal for today was over, Lilith told us to wait in the studio for a bit. She went to her office and came back carrying a big box. "The costumes are here," she announced, setting the box down.

       Everyone immediately rushed over, but she held up her hand to make us stop before we could all dig through the box at the same time. She opened the box herself and began pulling out the costumes. "First is Ryder's," she said, pulling out the Beast costume. It was the prince costume he had on at the end, as well as a mask.

       "No, don't let him wear the mask," Arthur said. "If he wants to actually be the Beast, the audience has to see his ugly face."

       I gave him a fake laugh before narrowing my eyes at him. I was not ugly. I was hella sexy.

       "Mae, do you think you can do a quick costume change?" Lilith asked. "I was thinking that if you keep a pair of shorts and a tank top underneath the costume, you can change from the first dress Belle wears, the blue one, to the yellow one."

       "During the first instrumental part when I'm offstage?" Mae asked. Lilith nodded. "Yeah, I think I can."

       Lilith smiled. "Great. I think adding a costume change might help out dance." She showed everyone else their costume before putting them back in the box, telling us that we would use them during the next rehearsal.

       Once she let us go, Mae and I went to the parking lot and to my car. I was going over to her house since her sister went back to France and her mom was staying late at work, so I was going to keep her company. Besides, I knew she was going to miss not being in my presence.

       When we got to her house, she led me up the stairs and to her bedroom. "Want to watch a movie?" she asked.

       "Sure," I said, sitting on her bed as she went to her DVDs. "And I'm fine with any."

       "Okay, but don't point out every flaw the movie has," Mae said. "You do that too much and all movies don't have to be realistic."

       "I did it once, and it wasn't my fault," I said. "She was running in heels. Why would the director choose to do that?"

       "You know, I've wondered that myself," Mae said as she grabbed a DVD case. She put it into the DVD player before grabbing the TV remote and sitting beside me. "Like, if I was in this crazy situation of aliens attacking or whatever, and I knew it was coming, I wouldn't wear heels until it was all over."

       "Exactly," I said. "So don't be mad at me for pointing it out."

       "That's not the only flaw you point out," Mae said. "You even say stuff like 'Why isn't he standing when he said that? It would make more sense'."

       "That was....Only a few dozen times," I said. "Okay, not my fault."

       "Yeah, you're just lucky I love you," Mae said, kissing my cheek before turning on the movie.

       The movie was starting to get boring for me and since I couldn't point out all the flaws, I sighed and laid down on the bed, my head hitting something fluffy. I reached behind my head and grabbed a teddy-bear. "Aww, this is cute," I said.

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