Chapter 55 | Final Chapter

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Chapter 55

       This was it. One of the biggest steps I was making in my life. 

       Moving out of my house and into an apartment with my girlfriend and friend. It was going to be weird, for sure. I've always depended on my parents, especially my dad. We were as close as a father and son could be.

       My parents always told me how when I was a newborn baby, I would cry when my dad went off to work, so my mom had to take me there to see him. Then I would smile once I saw him.

       And now, I was moving away from them. Granted, the apartment was a ten minute walk away, but still. I wouldn't be living with my family anymore.

       And it sucked that Dad wouldn't let Stitch come with me. Jerk.

       "Ryder, you can't leave!" Tulip said, running over to me and hugging my legs. "I love you!"

       I placed the box I was holding down and knelt down in front of her. "Tulip, my new home is ten minutes away from walking," I said. "I can come here anytime to visit you. And I'll still be at the dance studio where you take a class, so we'll see each other then."

       "Okay....I still love you," she said.

       I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I love you too, Tulip. When I'm all settled in my new home, I'll let you come over, okay?"

       "Okay," she said. She then went to hug Mae. "I love you, Mae. I'll miss you."

       "I love you too, Tulip," Mae said. "I'll even come over here with your brother to visit you."

       "You two better get married one day," Tulip said. "And make me the flower girl."

       "Sure thing," I said before standing up. I then looked over at Jerome, who was talking with Nolan. "Jerome, come on, we have to get going."

       "Right," Jerome said to me before facing back to Nolan. Jerome gave Nolan a hug before he walked over to me and Mae. I hugged each and every one of my family members before leaving the house with Mae and Jerome.

       I packed the last box I had into the car before getting into the driver's seat and driving to our new apartment. We were allowed to move in yesterday, so we set up all the furniture there before moving everything else in today.

       It took a while to get everything in the apartment because we had to keep going up and down the stairs since waiting for the elevator was taking too long. 

       We finally got all of our belongings into the apartment and into the rooms where we would unpack them later on. I flopped down on the couch and Mae sat down beside me, cuddling into me and resting her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. "I'm glad you're back here," I said.

       "Me too," she said. "I missed you a lot while I was back living in Quebec. But all that was worth being with you know."

       I smiled and kissed her forehead as Jerome sat down beside Mae on the couch. "Stop being all cuddley," he said. "You make me want to be in a relationship. Oh, wait. I am."

       "What are you talking about?" I asked.

       "Remember yesterday when you two went to buy dishes, bathroom stuff, and all the crap?" Jerome asked. "And I went to get the furniture? Well, even though I'm awesome, I couldn't do it alone, so I got Nolan to come with me. And when I dropped him off at his house, we were actually able to kiss without Alan being stupid."

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