Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

       Avoiding Mae was working. In a way. My feelings for her were still as strong as ever, but at least I wasn't getting too distracted by here. 

       However, our duet practices may be a bit awkward now. I think she knew I was avoiding her, but she never brought it up.

       Two weeks passed and it was now our field trip to the beach, and I was still hoping there would be no assignment. If there was, I was going to sue the school. Sure, I would lose, but still. I did not want to do an assignment when I could be relaxing at the beach.

       Since it was all the juniors and seniors, Elizabeth was going as well, so at least I had one person to hang out with. It was funny how my only friends were related to me.

       Now that I think of it, it was more sad than funny. Oh, well. At least I know they would always have my back.

       "I am so ready to relax at the beach," Elizabeth said as we sat down beside each other on the school bus. "No school work, no worrying about being late, nothing. Just me and the sun."

       "And the annoying classmates and teachers," I added.

       "Wow, way to ruin my mood," Elizabeth said. "Just because you're being a sore loser about the girl you like, it doesn't mean you have to be a stick in the mud."

       "I'm not," I said. "I'm just reminding you that there will be annoying classmates and teachers."

       "And I didn't want to be reminded," she said. "I was going to treat this like a mini-vacation."

       I rolled my eyes. "It's a Monday. Nobody ever is happy on Mondays, not even people who are out of school. Mondays suck."

       "See? There's that stick-in-the-mud attitude," Elizabeth said. "I am so tempted to tell Mae that you like her so you can stop being a boring person."

       "Tell her, and I'll get your dad to teach me some fighting pointers."

       "Too late, because I already know some," Elizabeth said with a smirk. "The perks of having a professional fighter as a dad. Besides, I know you would never hit a girl, not even your annoying yet awesome cousin."

       I sighed and leaned back in the seat as the bus started driving to the beach. "Lizzie, I know you want to help me with Mae, but it would be best if you just dropped it. Yes, I really like her, but she likes another guy, so I guess it wasn't meant to be."

       Elizabeth leaned back in the seat as well. "You are so lucky I'm not one of the shippers because I would be going on and on about Maeder right now. But, I do think you two are meant to be. And even if she does like someone else right now, it doesn't mean she won't like you in the future. Give it time. My dad had to wait months to finally get my mom."

       "But then I'd have to watch Mae and....whoever she likes."

       "True, but I haven't seen her with another guy yet," Elizabeth said. "My offer of me decking the guy she likes still stands. I can do an awesome uppercut. Ask my dad. I may have accidentally did it once when he was refusing to buy me soda."

       I rolled my eyes. "You are the definition of the perfect daughter," I said sarcastically.

       "Thank you, I try," she said with a smile. "But seriously, I will deck that guy. Or threaten him. Either works."

       "None works, because you're not doing it," I said.

       "That's what you think," she said. "So, different topic. My mom told me that your mom is pregnant. Come on, Ryder. Why don't you tell my stuff anymore?"

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