Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

       "Where should we add in the helicopter lift?" Mae asked. We were in the dance studio, working on our duet. We were almost done the choreography; we just had to find a way to incorporate the helicopter lift, then add a few more things.

       I thought for a bit, playing the song we were dancing to in my head. "How about....The third chorus? You know, when the note is being held for a long time?"

       "Yeah, I think that will work," Mae said, standing up from the floor and walking to the speaker with her phone attached. She put on the song and skipped to a bit before the part I was talking about. I stood up as well and began marking the choreography. 

       When the part I was talking about came in, Mae and I did the helicopter lift and it went perfectly with the music.

       I slowly set her on the floor. "That was perfect!" Mae said with a smile. "I definitely think it will put our dance over the top."

       "Yeah, me too," I said, smiling back at her. "So, since we have that, we just need to figure out the rest of the song."

       Mae and I got back to work with choreographing our duet. It wasn't really that hard at all since we were basically on the same page. We never rejected each other's ideas and sometimes thought up of the same idea.

       By the time Lilith wanted us back in the main studio, we finished all the choreographer. Now, we just had to practice, and we had a month and a half to do that. I just hoped we would be able to place in the competition....

       "How's the duet coming along?" Lilith asked as Mae and I walked into the main studio.

       "Great," Mae said, and I nodded in agreement. "We just finished the choreography, so we just have to practice now."

       "I know you two would be able to create a duet in no time," Lilith said with a smile. "Can we see it?"

       "Yeah, sure," I said. Mae hooked her phone up to the speaker and asked Lilith to start the music when we were ready.

       I loved dancing with Mae, a lot, even more since I realized that I had feelings for her. There was just something so special about her. It could be her eyes. Or her smile. God, she had such a beautiful smile.

       When we finished the dance, everyone clapped. Lilith looked extremely happy as she clapped. "Oh, I am so proud of you two right now," she said. "I am definitely happy I chose the two of you. There's just so much chemistry between you two. And that helicopter lift? Beautiful." I was glad Mae suggested the lift. It definitely put our dance over the top.

       "I think they're going to place," Arthur said. "And if not, then the judging system is rigged and we'll sue them."

       "We're not going to sue them, Arthur," Lilith said. "Judges have to be fair, but I do agree that Ryder and Mae are going to place. Your duet was more than just a dance. It told a story and it had meaning. Anyway, rehearsal is now over for today. I'll see all of you again tomorrow."

       Mae turned to me. "Do you really think we'll place?" she asked.

       "I think so, yeah," I said. "Why?"

       Mae shrugged. "I don't know. I'm kind of worried we won't place. I mean, I love the dance so much and I do think it's good, but....I don't know."

       "Mae, it's normal to be worried about not placing," I said. "I worry every single time I'm in a competition, and I'm pretty sure you do to, not just for this duet. We'll do fine. Everyone thinks we will."

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