Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

       Today was the first day I had to go to school without Mae. She left during winter break and now that it was over....

       For the few days she had been gone, we talked every single day. While she was still driving to Quebec, we talked on the phone for a good three hours so she wasn't too bored. It was a good thing I had unlimited calls and texting.

       I pulled into the parking lot of the school, feeling very annoyed from my siblings' constant arguing. They wouldn't shut up about who was Grandpa's favorite grandchild. 

       I mean, obviously it was me.

       School soon started so I went to my biology class. It was already so weird without Mae sitting beside me, and quite boring. I had nobody to bug during class or pay attention to, so I had to pay attention in class.

       Biology took even longer than it normally did to end. I was really going to hate this.

       After what felt like twelve hours, it was finally lunch time. I walked out of my second period class, hearing April call my name. I sighed and turned around to look at her. "What do you want?" I asked.

       "I haven't seen Mae yet today," she said. "Did she actually move?"

       "Yeah, she did," I said.

       April immediately smiled. "Oh my gosh, seriously?! That's amazing!"

       "That's what?" I asked. 

       "I've waited so long for it to happen!" she said, ignoring my question. "I didn't even care if she moved or not. I just hoped you two would break up. I just knew you two wouldn't last! You should have listened to me. Man, it feels good to be right."

       I raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

       "You and Mae being broken up because she moved," April said.

       "Seriously?" I asked. "So you just assumed that we broke up? Yeah, there's this thing called long-distance relationship. Mae is just there for the rest of the school year. She's moving back for university."

       April's smile immediately faded. "Seriously? So you really think you two can survive long-distance? Whatever you think. I'll just be here watching from the sidelines and laughing when you finally break up."

       I ignored her and walked to my locker to put my notebook inside. I then went to the cafeteria and sat down at the table with Elizabeth and Julia. "I hate April," I said.

       "What did she do now?" Julia asked.

       "She just assumed Mae and I broke up because Mae moved," I said. "And when I told April that Mae is still my girlfriend, she basically said we can't survive the long-distance and she's going to laugh when we break up."

       "Well," Elizabeth said, putting her chicken wrap down. "I think it's time to teach her a lesson." She stood up from the table, but Julia immediately pulled her back down. 

       "You're not going to beat her up," Julia said. 

       "But what's the point of my dad teaching me to box if I can never use it?" Elizabeth asked. "Come on, April needs a lesson. She can't just do whatever she wants just because she has a thing for Ryder."

       That actually reminded me of something. 

       I stood up from the table. "I'll be right back," I said before heading over to the table Arthur was sitting at. He was sitting with Dempsey and Milton, but I noticed that Arthur was too busy staring at something. I followed his gaze, and I knew right then that Mae was one-hundred percent right.

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