Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

       When the tardy bell for first period rang, Tony stood up from his desk, carrying a stack of papers. "Alright, class," he said. "In two weeks, the juniors and seniors will be going on a field trip to the beach."

       I immediately raised my hand as everyone began talking excitingly. I wasn't going to get that excited yet. I had a feeling there was going to be an assignment attached....

       "Ryder?" Tony asked.

       I lowered my hand. "Yeah, will there be an assignment when we get there?"

       Tony furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

       "Because when my parents went on a field trip to the beach, there was an assignment attached," I said. "I'm not going if there's an assignment."

       Tony sighed. "I'm not sure if there's going to be an assignment, but even if there is, you still have to come. It's either that or get extra work to do, because you're not staying home."

       I huffed and leaned back in my seat. I swear, if there was an assignment attached, I was going to throw it in the ocean.

       ....But then I'd have to get it so I didn't pollute the ocean and destroy the otters' home.

       Stupid assignment.

       Tony began handing out the permission slips he was holding. When he gave mine to me, I looked at it. I still had a sneaking suspicion there was going to be an assignment attached, which would suck drastically. If they wanted to give us an assignment, take us somewhere that wasn't the beach.

        I put my permission slip in my backpack, as did the rest of the class. We then got into today's lesson, but I was honestly not paying attention. I may or may not have been too busy staring at Mae. She looked so beautiful today. Like every day.

       Why did she have to move here?

       "Ryder," Tony said, suddenly getting my attention. "Can you tell me the answer?"

       I looked at my uncle, trying my best not to look confused. I doubt it worked. "Uh....The mitochondria?

       "Yes, Ryder," Tony said sarcastically. "The mitochondria is vital for photosynthesis. Are you even paying attention?"

       "If I say no, do I get bonus marks for being honest?"

       "No, but since you were being honest, you get to talk to me after class," Tony said.

       I sighed as mostly all of my classmates went, "Ooh." I was really hating this right now. I was the freaking Love Expert for goodness sake, yet I got so distracted by a girl? What was wrong with me?

       I tried my best to concentrate for the rest of the class, which was quite hard. I kept sneaking glances at Mae, only to mentally slap myself across the face. I really needed to stop thinking about her. 

       When first period was over, I waited for everyone to leave before going to the front of the class to talk to my dear uncle. "Alright, Ryder, what's up?" Tony asked. "You've never been this distracted before."

       I sighed. "I really don't want to talk about it."

       "Is it serious?" Tony asked. "Because if it is, you don't have to be afraid to tell me. I'm always here for you."

       "I'm not afraid to tell you," I said. "I just don't want to talk about it." I didn't want anyone in my family, besides Elizabeth and Julia, knowing about my feelings for Mae. If anyone found out, I would never be able to hear the end of it.

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