Chapter 52

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Chapter 52


       "I don't know why you're making me go," I said as I walked down the stairs. Mom and Jerome were both so determined for me to go to prom, no matter how many times I said I didn't want to go.

       But then Mom decided to go out and by me a prom dress anyway and to make things worse, I really loved the prom dress. So I basically had no choice but to go.

       "Because it's prom," Mom said. "You can't miss out on your prom."

       "I can," I said. "You're just not letting me."

       Mom sighed. "Well, you look beautiful. See? You love the dress and you want to wear it."

       I frowned. "I still don't want to go."

       "Too bad," Jerome said, holding up the tickets. "I already have the tickets."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why do you have three?" I asked.

       "Huh?" Jerome said and looked down. "Oh, because I'm holding one for a friend."

       "Can we just go now and get it over with?" I asked.

       "Wait," Mom said. "I need to take pictures. If only I knew where my camera was...." She began looking for her camera, which made me sigh. Sometimes, it took her forever to find things. Then again, she might not find it so we wouldn't be able to go.

       I hoped she lost the camera somewhere she would never look. And I hoped she didn't realize she could just take pictures on her phone.

       Someone rang the doorbell, making me groan. "Mom, someone's at the door," I said.

       "Don't be lazy, go get it," she said. "You're closer to the door anyway."

       I huffed and walked over to the door before opening it up and when I did, I could already feel myself tearing up. 

       Right in front of me, holding a small sign that said Prom? and a bouquet of lily of the valley -my favorite flower- was Ryder Tony Prince.

       "Mae, will you go to prom with me?" he asked, giving me a small smile.

       I immediately wrapped my arms around him in a hug. I haven't seen him for two months, since his dance competition, and now, here he was, in Quebec. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

       "Isn't it obvious?" he said. "I'm going to prom with you. I got Jerome to fill out a guest form and buy a ticket for me. So, will you do me the honor of being my date to the prom? Or letting me be the date to prom because it is your prom?"

       I smiled at him. "Yes, of course." I pressed my lips on his for a short bit before letting him inside my house.

       I should have guessed he would show up, to be honest. He was supposed to be here tomorrow to help me and Jerome move to Miami since we were out of school and didn't have any exams, so it shouldn't have been a surprise for him to show up a day early.

       It still was and it was the best surprise ever.

       "Oh, look," Mom said. "The camera was sitting on the kitchen counter."

       "You were stalling, weren't you?" I asked.

       "I have no idea what you're talking about," Mom said. "Picture time."

       "Sweet, I hate pictures, so I can sit them out now that Ryder is here," Jerome said before sitting on the couch.

       Mom took basically a hundred pictures of me and Ryder, and even had to go to the backyard to do so. She got a lot of good pictures, but she insisted on taking more.

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