Forever December: Chapter 24: Look who's back

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*Forever December*

*Chapter 24: Look who’s back*

My depression was starting to get better, gradually. Rian and Roxin both helped with it. Rian – she was too cute, and starting to look more and more like her father. Roxin...he made me feel safe and loved, though I knew what he had done to me was a bad thing.

A month went by and I still wasn't feeling better. But, who would? I knew I had to go on with my life, though.

I picked Rian up from her crib as she woke up from her nap. “Well, good morning, sleepy head,” I cooed her. She blinked at me with those green eyes, my eyes. I swooped her into my arms, hearing her joyful squeals. Rian was the only thing that kept me going.

“Guess what, Ri, we're going to see your daddy today,” I told her, kissing her pale forehead. “He's going to be so excited to see you, ya know. He hasn't seen you for a while, and you're getting so big.” I stroked her small back.

“December, come on!” My dad called. He had been spending so much time with me since the incident. I liked that, but I hated that it took so much for him to actually pay attention to me.

I put Rian's little jacket on her. It was spring, and it was beginning to get wet outside. I didn't want her to catch a cold. “There we are, Ri. I know you're excited,” I said to her as I pulled her little polka-dotted hood up. I carried her downstairs and slid into my own coat.

I walked outside, holding my little girl and got her hooked into her car seat. I hopped in and waited for my dad to drive. Surprisingly, he'd offered to drive me to Parker's house. I took glances at Rian in the back seat. Talking to her was my only release; she seemed to listen to me.

“I want you to know that I love you, Dee,” my dad said. I took a glance at him, gripping my seat belt. I was still cautious of cars.

I glanced at my dad. “I love you, too, dad. Is something up?” He stopped the car in front of Parker’s house.

“I think it’s best if we all move away, Dee. You, me, your mom, Rian, and April,” he began. “A lot has happened here. I got a transfer to Phoenix, Arizona. I could take it.”

I gawked. Did my dad really expect me to move now? Rowan was buried here. Parker was here. Roxin was here. What in God’s name would ever make him think I’d want to move?

I hadn’t noticed that I’d said it out loud.

“Well, then,” he grunted, “I was just trying to help.”

Guilt began to pulse through me. “Well, you’re not helping,” I said as I got out of the car. “And Rian and I are not moving.” I picked Rian up out of her car-seat and walked up to Parker’s house, knocking on the door.

“Don’t worry, Ri, I won’t let anyone take you away.”

The door opened, revealing a familiar brunette. Her brown eyes scanned me for a moment. “Who is it, Brandie?” Parker’s voice called.

I stood in awe. What was she doing here? I’d thought she had been pushed out of the picture a long time ago. I felt anger bubble in my stomach, but also hurt. I remembered Rowan’s funeral, and how Parker and I had held each other. I had a bitter taste in my mouth even thinking about Brandie doing the same.

Parker appeared in the doorway. “Rian!” He nearly yelled. The little dark haired girl looked up at her father. She had popped her little thumb into her mouth.

Brandie stepped to the side as Parker took Rian from my arms. For a moment, I forgot she was there. The joy in Parker’s eyes made me smile. Though he’d messed up a lot, I knew he would be a good father to our daughter.

“I’ll bring her back in a few hours?” Parker asked, pushing me from my thoughts.

“Wait,” I said as he attempted to close the door. “I’m not leaving her here, and I’m not letting you drive her anywhere,” I said so quiet that it was only a bit over a whisper. Though it had been four months, I still didn’t trust him. I wouldn’t even be in a car with him.

“Ouch,” Parker grunted. “I guess I deserved that...but I’m kind of busy.”

I could feel my face turning red. “Oh, busy? Then maybe I should just take her home; then you can do what you’d like,” I hissed towards him.

“No, Dee...don’t do that.”

“Why don’t you just let him-“ Brandie began.

“I believe this is about our child. Unless somehow we both gave birth to her.” I glared at Brandie. Who was she to butt into any business about my daughter?

“Listen, bitch-“

“Do not,” I yelled, “curse in front of my child!” Rian began to cry. I wanted to jump forward and beat the hell out of Brandie, but I didn’t, only because Rian was there. She didn’t need to see anything like that.

“Let me know when she’s gone and you can see your daughter,” I said, taking Rian from his arms. I left without saying another word. I’d be damned if Rian was around someone like that, especially when she acted the way she had. I wouldn’t have had such a problem if she hadn’t been as she was.

“I changed my mind,” I told my dad, “I want to move.”

*Two hours earlier; Parker’s POV*

“Park, you have a visitor!” My mom yelled. I let out a sigh and stood up from the couch I’d settled on. I had been lying on the couch since I’d gotten home. I glanced at the person in the doorway and my stomach churned. Her brown hair had grown longer since the last time I’d seen her. “Brandie?”

The girl walked into the house and closed the door behind her. “Hey,” she said quietly.

“Do you need something?” I mumbled stupidly. Why wouldn’t she? She’d come here.

She picked up something that was on the ground. I looked at it, noticing it was a baby. It was a little boy with blonde hair and brown eyes. He resembled Brandie. “Is he...”

“No, he’s not,” she answered. “Look, Parker...I know you have no reason to help me, but I need your help,” she began, “and I’m sorry...about your son.” Brandie frowned. “I can’t imagine anything like that happening to Cameron,” she gestured towards the baby in the car-seat.

“What is it, Bran?” I asked, looking down at the little boy. It brought tears to my eyes. I missed Rowan so much.

“I need a place to stay, or Cameron’s going to be on the streets. least let him stay, I’m begging you,” her face went pale as she looked down at her son. “I can’t bare for him to have a bad life. I decided to give him up,” she whispered. I could see the tears running down her cheeks. “I can’t take care of him.”

“Oh, Brandie,” I said, wrapping my arms around her. I heard her sobs leave her lips. “It’s okay.” I pressed my lips to her forehead. I knew what it was like to lose a child. “We’ll get through it. He can use Rowan’s old crib,” I croaked, forcing the name out of my mouth.

“Thank you, Parker; you don’t know how much it means to me. I was a fool for having a child, but I love him so much, I can’t bare losing him.”

I winced at the thought. “I know what it’s like, believe me, you don’t...but if it’s the best thing for him, Brand, then maybe you should give him up. You could have an open adoption, or something.” I paused. “I don’t really know what they’re about, but you can talk to someone about it, they’ll tell you about it.”

Brandie threw her arms around me and I wrapped mine around her waist, holding her close to me. I felt bad for her, but I still felt guilty about Rowan. I looked down at Cameron, who was yawning in his car-seat. “Let’s take him upstairs, eh?”

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