I.S.O.L.A.T.E.D *Same heart-same -Pain*

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" I  told you , you would like him chica , but the things is , thats the guy that the girls are all over" she tells me , I listen to her then I stare at him , he is over there by the DJ table nodding his head to the beat feeling him self. I try not to laugh or smile , because what she was telling me that Prince was a Playa , and I am not the one to be played with. 

   The party is almost over but then I realize it's 12:12 I needed to get home and fast. Raquel was wasted so Romelo drove me home, I wasn't gonna fight it  but I never disobey my mother , shes the only mom I got and I love her to much to disobey her. " Girl! , did you get his number?" she asked " yes , shhh you are drunk" I say to her laughing as we pull closer and closer to our house. " Thanks Romelo" I say to him , " No problem" he says back , I think of Romelo as a brother we have been friends ever since we were in 1st grade, untill i met that mess in the back of the car Raquel , she impacted my life alot.

  I walked in and it was quite and I walked around noticeing no one was home , so I took the freedom of making myself dinner , first I got into my Pajama's and I looked at the clock , the party must be over I got butterflies and looked back and forth. I left a message for my mom on her phone telling her i'm home and that I love her , I hung up sitting on the couch holding my head and then my phone rings , I pick it up. " Hello?" , I say " Yo!? is this Avanna?" he says , I giggle a little " Yes this is Avanna" I say , " well Avanna , why won't you tell em where you live" he says , I puased and my eyes widen , I didn't know he was that type , but knowing my mom she was out for a while and she won't be back till that sun hits point A. " I live down the street , but it's an hour drive" I say t him " don't worry i'm new on this one block called charollette drive" he says I pause and I run outside because he lives on the same street as me , I look around cause I remeber a house being empty on that other block. " Well I live on Charollette too" I say in excitment, " well would this be you i'm looking at/" he says , I turn around and I see him down the street from where I am , he begins jogging to where I am and I smile when he arrives t my point , " wow , nice house" he says " Thanks " I say back , I looked at him , " Why did you as me where i lived?" I asked " because I wanted to chill with you  if thats okay" he says " No it's fine come on " I take him inside and I sit him on the couch , I was allowed bringing in company but hes a boy , and I don't know how my mom would take it.

   " well this couch is soft he starts rubbing it" he smiles to me, "well thanks my mom picked it out , but my dad set the decor " I smile sitting next to him with feet and all on the couch. " If you dont mind me asking  what type of guy was your father?" he askes I smile lookign down and I chuckle a little  " My dad , he was a good man and I love him so much ,  I am a daddy's girl so I did everything with him , our family was complete , I'm the only child so yeah he would spoil me" I chuckle even more " everytime he would put me to sleep i'd hear his heart beat , i'd fall asleep , then i would notice , that his heart beat matched mine , " I stop getting choked up " Rythms off now that hes gone" I let the tears fall down my cheek. " Hey don't cry , I know how it feels I lost my mother when I was young too , but now I got a step mother and I can't stand her but you know it is what it is stay smooth" he whipes my tears " listen girl , you too beautiful to cry  and I can reccomend that" he smiles taking off his glasses and puts his head back. " wow i'm sorry about your mom" I say whiping my face " ahh don't sweat it , I loved my mom we were so close , and I can admit I was a Momma's boy " he smiled and looked at me , I smiled feeling his pain. 

  " Yeah but I gotta be strong , and so do you , cause if I;m strong your strong bae I promise things will get better" he smiles to me touching my chin with his rings on each finger. I smiled and I like his rings  , they where skulls and dimonds , they where so cool. " Well i'm glad you stopped by" I say , " yeah i'm glad too  , but now I know you better , Avanna , do you wanna go to the arcade tomorrow?" he askes " yeah , fo sho" i say back " Thats whats up" he gets up and opens the door" I'll call you tomorrow about , noon " he says " alright" I say with a smile. " You know you are too cute " he laughs walking out shutting the door. I couldn't believe it , could I finally like someone who understands my pain , who has the same mind set , who likes the things I like? , this is really happening. This is real life!, and I couldn't be happier.

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