I.S.O.L.A.T.E.D ~ Isolation ::Final Chapter:: ERA~

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  The gun fired , all I could do was scream his name , I froze there as his body fell down in the grass and he laid there , he didnt move , he didnt make a sound. All i heard was Romelo on his knees crying. " PRINCE!!!!!!" I screamed on my knees. I then stared at him as my hair moved in the wind. 

  My mom pulled up in the drive way, it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. She got off her walker and slowly walked to me screaming my name as blood was on my hands. " Avanna! , Avanna!!!" she says holding me close as i cried trying to think about what just happend.

An hour later the police were called along with the ambulance. They took me into the back of car asking me questions about Romelo , Romelo was a gang banger part of the group called ERA, it was hard to deal with it. I saw them carry Prince in the back of the ambulance I couldnt do anything even if i tried. "I'm sorry Avanna , there is nothing we can do , Romelo is dead , and now Prince is dead, I understand he was in custedy before , right?" the police offcier ask me and I look at him and nodded. 

  " Alright, i'll contact his parents," he says fixing his cap on his head. " Have a nice night mam" he says walking to the flashing lights of his car. "Oh my baby" my says holding me close as the ambulance pull off. I had no emotion on my face , just hatred , I just stood there , Prince risking his life for me and then on top of that Romelo killing himself? This is madness! I cant take it anymore. 

The next time he will see me , i will have vengance for Raquel , Prince , and Romelo. This isnt the end of me, You will see me again. And when you do i'll make sure you will see a part of me, that will never be tooken away from me. 

                                The End

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